Noga Larry

2017- Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel 
"Noga Larry"
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Manto M, Adamaszek M, Apps R, et al. (2024) Consensus Paper: Cerebellum and Reward. Cerebellum (London, England)
Larry N, Zur G, Joshua M. (2024) Organization of reward and movement signals in the basal ganglia and cerebellum. Nature Communications. 15: 2119
Larry N, Joshua M. (2023) Attenuation of noise correlations in the transformation from the frontal eye field to movement. Journal of Neurophysiology
Larry N, Yarkoni M, Lixenberg A, et al. (2019) Cerebellar climbing fibers encode expected reward size. Elife. 8
Larry N, Yarkoni M, Lixenberg A, et al. (2019) Author response: Cerebellar climbing fibers encode expected reward size Elife
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