Laura Lee Colgin

University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 
hippocampus, brain rhythms
"Laura Colgin"
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Zhu N, Zhang Y, Xiao X, et al. (2022) Hippocampal oscillatory dynamics in freely behaving rats during exploration of social and non-social stimuli. Cognitive Neurodynamics. 17: 411-429
Zheng C, Hwaun E, Loza CA, et al. (2021) Hippocampal place cell sequences differ during correct and error trials in a spatial memory task. Nature Communications. 12: 3373
Colgin LL. (2019) Five Decades of Hippocampal Place Cells and EEG Rhythms in Behaving Rats. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 40: 54-60
Creson TK, Rojas C, Hwaun E, et al. (2019) Re-expression of SynGAP protein in adulthood improves translatable measures of brain function and behavior. Elife. 8
Trettel SG, Trimper JB, Hwaun E, et al. (2019) Grid cell co-activity patterns during sleep reflect spatial overlap of grid fields during active behaviors. Nature Neuroscience. 22: 609-617
Hwaun E, Colgin LL. (2019) CA3 place cells that represent a novel waking experience are preferentially reactivated during sharp wave-ripples in subsequent sleep. Hippocampus. 29: 921-938
Mishra A, Colgin LL. (2019) The High Energy Cost of Theta-Gamma Activity during REM Sleep. Trends in Neurosciences
Trimper JB, Colgin LL. (2018) Spike Time Synchrony in the Absence of Continuous Oscillations. Neuron. 100: 527-529
Gereke BJ, Mably AJ, Colgin LL. (2017) Experience-Dependent Trends in CA1 Theta and Slow Gamma Rhythms in Freely Behaving Mice. Journal of Neurophysiology. jn.00472.2017
Trimper JB, Trettel SG, Hwaun E, et al. (2017) Methodological Caveats in the Detection of Coordinated Replay between Place Cells and Grid Cells. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 11: 57
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