Carola Izabela Radulescu

2016-2018 Psychology University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England, United Kingdom 
"Carola Radulescu"
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Radulescu CI, Ferrari Bardile C, Garcia-Miralles M, et al. (2023) Environmental Deprivation Effects on Myelin Ultrastructure in Huntington Disease and Wildtype Mice. Molecular Neurobiology
Ferrari Bardile C, Radulescu CI, Pouladi MA. (2023) Oligodendrocyte pathology in Huntington's disease: from mechanisms to therapeutics. Trends in Molecular Medicine. 29: 802-816
Ziaei A, Garcia-Miralles M, Radulescu CI, et al. (2022) Ermin deficiency leads to compromised myelin, inflammatory milieu, and susceptibility to demyelinating insult. Brain Pathology (Zurich, Switzerland). e13064
Xu X, Ng B, Sim B, et al. (2020) pS421 huntingtin modulates mitochondrial phenotypes and confers neuroprotection in an HD hiPSC model. Cell Death & Disease. 11: 809
Utami KH, Skotte NH, Colaço AR, et al. (2020) Integrative Analysis Identifies Key Molecular Signatures Underlying Neurodevelopmental Deficits in Fragile X Syndrome. Biological Psychiatry
Radulescu CI, Garcia-Miralles M, Sidik H, et al. (2020) Reprint of: Manipulation of microbiota reveals altered callosal myelination and white matter plasticity in a model of Huntington disease. Neurobiology of Disease. 104744
Radulescu CI, Garcia-Miralles M, Sidik H, et al. (2019) Manipulation of microbiota reveals altered callosal myelination and white matter plasticity in a model of Huntington disease. Neurobiology of Disease
Utami KH, Skotte NH, Colaco AR, et al. (2019) Neurodevelopmental deficits in human isogenic Fragile X Syndrome neurons Ibro Reports. 6: S507
Garcia-Miralles M, Yusof NABM, Tan JY, et al. (2018) Laquinimod Treatment Improves Myelination Deficits at the Transcriptional and Ultrastructural Levels in the YAC128 Mouse Model of Huntington Disease. Molecular Neurobiology
Xu X, Radulescu CI, Utami KH, et al. (2017) Obtaining Multi-electrode Array Recordings from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Neurons. Bio-Protocol. 7: e2609
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