Gunilla Ljunggren, PhD

1985 Psychology Stockholm University, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden 
"Gunilla Ljunggren"

Her Stockholm affiliation is from her 1985 PhD. I cannot find much about her current affiliation.

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Gunnar Borg grad student 1985 Stockholm University
 (PhD "Studies of perceived exertion during bicycle ergometer exercise : Some applications". Source: (not checked))
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Ljunggren G, Hassmen P. (1991) Perceived exertion and physiological economy of competition walking, ordinary walking and running Journal of Sports Sciences. 9: 273-283
Johansson S-, Ljunggren G. (1989) Perceived exertion during a self-imposed pace of work for a group of cleaners Applied Ergonomics. 20: 307-312
Ljunggren G, Johansson S. (1988) Use of submaximal measures of perceived exertion during bicycle ergometer exercise as predictors of maximal work capacity. Journal of Sports Sciences. 6: 189-203
Ljunggren G. (1986) Observer ratings of perceived exertion in relation to self ratings and heart rate. Applied Ergonomics. 17: 117-125
Borg G, Ljunggren G, Ceci R. (1985) The increase of perceived exertion, aches and pain in the legs, heart rate and blood lactate during exercise on a bicycle ergometer. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology. 54: 343-9
Marks LE, Borg G, Ljunggren G. (1983) Individual differences in perceived exertion assessed by two new methods. Perception & Psychophysics. 34: 280-8
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