Dionisio Martín-Zanca

Institute of Functional Biology and Genomics 
"Dionisio Martín-Zanca"
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Sánchez-Sánchez J, Vicente-García C, Cañada-García D, et al. (2022) ARMS/Kidins220 regulates nociception by controlling BDNF secretion. Pain
Hayashi K, Storesund T, Schreurs O, et al. (2007) Nerve growth factor beta/pro-nerve growth factor and their receptors in normal human oral mucosa. European Journal of Oral Sciences. 115: 344-54
Delgado-Esteban M, Martin-Zanca D, Andres-Martin L, et al. (2007) Inhibition of PTEN by peroxynitrite activates the phosphoinositide-3-kinase/Akt neuroprotective signaling pathway. Journal of Neurochemistry. 102: 194-205
Moqrich A, Earley TJ, Watson J, et al. (2004) Expressing TrkC from the TrkA locus causes a subset of dorsal root ganglia neurons to switch fate. Nature Neuroscience. 7: 812-8
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