Michel Fayol

Université de Bourgogne, Dijon 
"Michel Fayol"
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Van Rinsveld A, Schiltz C, Majerus S, et al. (2020) When one-two-three beats two-one-three: Tracking the acquisition of the verbal number sequence. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 27: 122-129
Rinsveld AV, Hornung C, Fayol M. (2020) Finger Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) predicts the development of numerical representations better than finger gnosis Cognitive Development. 53: 100842
Thevenot C, Fayol M, Barrouillet P. (2018) Spatial numerical associations in preschoolers Thinking & Reasoning. 24: 1-13
Bîlici N, Ugen S, Fayol M, et al. (2018) The Effect of Morphosyntactic Training on Multilingual Fifth-Graders' Spelling in French Applied Psycholinguistics. 39: 1319-1343
Morin M, Alamargot D, Diallo TMO, et al. (2018) Individual differences in lexical and grammar spelling across primary school Learning and Individual Differences. 62: 128-140
Hornung C, Martin R, Fayol M. (2017) General and Specific Contributions of RAN to Reading and Arithmetic Fluency in First Graders: A Longitudinal Latent Variable Approach. Frontiers in Psychology. 8: 1746
Mathieu R, Epinat-Duclos J, Léone J, et al. (2017) Hippocampal spatial mechanisms relate to the development of arithmetic symbol processing in children. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Guedin N, Thevenot C, Fayol M. (2017) Des doigts et des nombres Psychologie Francaise. 63: 379-399
Hornung C, Martin R, Fayol M. (2017) The power of vowels: Contributions of vowel, consonant and digit RAN to clinical approaches in reading development Learning and Individual Differences. 57: 85-102
Abbott RD, Fayol M, Zorman M, et al. (2016) Relationships of French and English Morphophonemic Orthographies to Word Reading, Spelling, and Reading Comprehension during Early and Middle Childhood. Canadian Journal of School Psychology. 31: 305-321
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