Pedro Echeveste

Universidad de Antofagasta 
Ecotoxicology, biological oceanography, phytoplankton ecology
"Pedro Echeveste"
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Dedman CJ, Christie-Oleza JA, Fernández-Juárez V, et al. (2021) Cell size matters: Nano- and micro-plastics preferentially drive declines of large marine phytoplankton due to co-aggregation. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 424: 127488
Ahrendt C, Perez-Venegas DJ, Urbina M, et al. (2020) Microplastic ingestion cause intestinal lesions in the intertidal fish Girella laevifrons. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 151: 110795
Silva JC, Echeveste P, Lombardi AT. (2018) Higher biomolecules yield in phytoplankton under copper exposure. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 161: 57-63
Echeveste P, Croot P, von Dassow P. (2017) Differences in the sensitivity to Cu and ligand production of coastal vs offshore strains of Emiliania huxleyi. The Science of the Total Environment
Echeveste P, Silva JC, Lombardi AT. (2017) Cu and Cd affect distinctly the physiology of a cosmopolitan tropical freshwater phytoplankton. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 143: 228-235
Echeveste P, Galbán-Malagón C, Dachs J, et al. (2016) Toxicity of natural mixtures of organic pollutants in temperate and polar marine phytoplankton. Science of the Total Environment. 571: 34-41
Echeveste P, Tovar-Sánchez A, Agustí S. (2014) Tolerance of polar phytoplankton communities to metals. Environmental Pollution. 185: 188-195
Ruiz-Halpern S, Echeveste P, Agustí S, et al. (2014) Size-dependence of volatile and semi-volatile organic carbon content in phytoplankton cells Frontiers in Marine Science. 1
Echeveste P, Agustí S, Tovar-Sánchez A. (2012) Toxic thresholds of cadmium and lead to oceanic phytoplankton: cell size and ocean basin-dependent effects. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 31: 1887-1894
Echeveste P, Agustí S, Dachs J. (2011) Cell size dependence of additive versus synergetic effects of UV radiation and PAHs on oceanic phytoplankton Environmental Pollution. 159: 1307-1316
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