Hanspeter Herzel

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany 
"Hanspeter Herzel"
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Del Olmo M, Legewie S, Brunner M, et al. (2024) Mechanisms generating network switches and their role in circadian clocks. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 107220
Burt P, Grabe S, Madeti C, et al. (2021) Principles underlying the complex dynamics of temperature entrainment by a circadian clock. Iscience. 24: 103370
Upadhyay A, Marzoll D, Diernfellner A, et al. (2020) Multiple random phosphorylations in clock proteins provide long delays and switches. Scientific Reports. 10: 22224
Werckenthin A, Huber J, Arnold T, et al. (2020) Neither per, nor tim1, nor cry2 alone are essential components of the molecular circadian clockwork in the Madeira cockroach. Plos One. 15: e0235930
Schmal C, Herzel H, Myung J. (2020) Clocks in the Wild: Entrainment to Natural Light. Frontiers in Physiology. 11: 272
Ananthasubramaniam B, Schmal C, Herzel H. (2020) Amplitude Effects Allow Short Jet Lags and Large Seasonal Phase Shifts in Minimal Clock Models. Journal of Molecular Biology
Myung J, Schmal C, Hong S, et al. (2019) Author Correction: The choroid plexus is an important circadian clock component. Nature Communications. 10: 5253
Schmal C, Ono D, Myung J, et al. (2019) Weak coupling between intracellular feedback loops explains dissociation of clock gene dynamics. Plos Computational Biology. 15: e1007330
Upadhyay A, Brunner M, Herzel H. (2019) An Inactivation Switch Enables Rhythms in a Clock Model. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 20
Tokuda IT, Ono D, Honma S, et al. (2018) Coherency of circadian rhythms in the SCN is governed by the interplay of two coupling factors. Plos Computational Biology. 14: e1006607
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