Chen Xu

School of Internet of Things Jiangnan University, China 
"Chen Xu"
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Klionsky DJ, Abdel-Aziz AK, Abdelfatah S, et al. (2021) Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition). Autophagy. 1-382
Sang M, Xu C, Wei Z, et al. (2019) Cloning and high-level SUMO-mediated fusion expression of a serine protease inhibitor from Hyphantria cunea Drury that exhibits activity against papain. Protein Expression and Purification
Xu C, Zhao S, Ma Y, et al. (2019) Robust filter design for asymmetric measurement noise using variational Bayesian inference Iet Control Theory and Applications. 13: 1656-1664
Xu C, Zhao S, Liu F. (2019) Sensor fault detection and diagnosis in the presence of outliers Neurocomputing. 349: 156-163
Xu C, Zhao S, Liu F. (2017) Distributed plant-wide process monitoring based on PCA with minimal redundancy maximal relevance Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 169: 53-63
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