Terence (Terry) R. Lee, PhD, FBPsS

1971-1987 Psychology University of Surrey, Guildford, England, United Kingdom 
Environmental psychology
"Terence (Terry) Lee"

1942 Pilot, RAF
1949 Bachelor in Moral Sciences (Experimental Psychology), Magdalene College, University of Cambridge
1954 PhD, University of Cambridge
1953 Research Fellow, Exeter University
1956-1965 Lecturer, St Andrews
1965-1971 Senior Lecturer, Dundee
1971-1987 Foundation Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Surrey
1977-1981 Pro Vice Chancellor, University of Surrey
1987-2014 Emeritus Professor, University of Surrey
ca. 1990-2014 Honorary Professor, St Andrews University
ca. 1992-2014 Director, Environmental Psychology and Policy Research Unit, St Andrews University

(Source: https://thepsychologist.bps.org.uk/volume-28/april-2015/professor-terence-lee-ma-phd-cantab-fbpss-1923-2014

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Frederic Charles Bartlett grad student 1949-1954 Cambridge
 (PhD: "A Study of Urban Neighbourhood", Source: https://thepsychologist.bps.org.uk/volume-28/april-2015/professor-terence-lee-ma-phd-cantab-fbpss-1923-2014)
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Fife‐Schaw C, Breakwell GM, Lee T, et al. (1987) Attitudes Towards New Technology In Relation To Scientific Orientation At School: A Preliminary Study Of Undergraduates British Journal of Educational Psychology. 57: 114-121
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