Matthew P. Klassen, Ph.D

Physiology University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 
Homeostasis, Cardiac Physiology, Aging, Biological Oscillators, Interoception
"Matthew Klassen"
Mean distance: 13.61 (cluster 11)


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Kang Shen grad student 2003-2009 Stanford
 (Specification and maintenance of neuromuscular connectivity in Caenorhabditis elegans.)
Kang Shen grad student 2003-2009 Stanford
 (Specification and maintenance of neuromuscular connectivity in Caenorhabditis elegans.)
Yuh Nung Jan post-doc 2009- UCSF
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Klassen MP, Peters CJ, Zhou S, et al. (2017) Age-dependent diastolic heart failure in an in vivo Drosophila model. Elife. 6
Yu D, Dong Z, Gustafson WC, et al. (2015) Rational design of a monomeric and photostable far-red fluorescent protein for fluorescence imaging in vivo. Protein Science : a Publication of the Protein Society
Yu D, Baird MA, Allen JR, et al. (2015) A naturally monomeric infrared fluorescent protein for protein labeling in vivo. Nature Methods
Klassen MP, Yuan Q. (2013) Dendrite plasticity: branching out for greener pastures. Current Biology : Cb. 23: R687-8
Klassen MP, Wu YE, Maeder CI, et al. (2010) An Arf-like small G protein, ARL-8, promotes the axonal transport of presynaptic cargoes by suppressing vesicle aggregation. Neuron. 66: 710-23
Maro GS, Klassen MP, Shen K. (2009) A beta-catenin-dependent Wnt pathway mediates anteroposterior axon guidance in C. elegans motor neurons. Plos One. 4: e4690
Klassen MP, Shen K. (2009) The curious case of a wandering kinase: CaMKII spreads the wealth? Neuron. 61: 331-2
Poon VY, Klassen MP, Shen K. (2008) UNC-6/netrin and its receptor UNC-5 locally exclude presynaptic components from dendrites. Nature. 455: 669-73
Shen K, Poon VY, Klassen MP. (2008) Extrinsic mechanisms regulate synapse formation Developmental Biology. 319: 467
Klassen MP, Shen K. (2007) Wnt signaling positions neuromuscular connectivity by inhibiting synapse formation in C. elegans. Cell. 130: 704-16
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