Lori Markson

Washington University, Saint Louis, St. Louis, MO 
Cognitive development, language acquisition
"Lori Markson"
Mean distance: 15.17 (cluster 15)
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Hwang HG, Markson L. (2023) Black and White children's race-based information endorsement and teacher preference: Effects of school and neighborhood racial demographics. Developmental Psychology
Hennefield L, Markson L. (2022) The development of optimistic expectations in young children. Cognitive Development. 63
Lu MS, Hennefield L, Tillman R, et al. (2022) Optimistic Children Engage in More Constructive Risk-Taking Behaviors. International Journal of Behavioral Development. 47: 72-81
Hennefield L, Talpey LM, Markson L. (2021) When positive outcomes and reality collide: Children prefer optimists as social partners. Cognitive Development. 59
Markson L, Luo Y. (2020) Trust in early childhood. Advances in Child Development and Behavior. 58: 137-162
Zheng Y, Zacks JM, Markson L. (2020) The development of event perception and memory Cognitive Development. 54: 100848
Hwang HG, Markson L. (2018) Locals don't have accents: children weigh phonological proficiency over syntactic or semantic proficiency when categorizing individuals. Journal of Child Language. 1-17
Afshordi N, Sullivan KR, Markson L. (2018) Children’s Third-Party Understanding of Communicative Interactions in a Foreign Language Collabra: Psychology. 4
Luo Y, Hennefield L, Mou Y, et al. (2017) Infants' Understanding of Preferences When Agents Make Inconsistent Choices. Infancy : the Official Journal of the International Society On Infant Studies. 22: 843-856
Hennefield L, Markson L. (2017) Four-year-old Children Align their Preferences with those of their Peers Collabra: Psychology. 3
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