Machteld A. Ouwens, Ph.D.

2005 Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands 
"Machteld Ouwens"
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Strien Tv, Konttinen HM, Ouwens MA, et al. (2020) Mediation of emotional and external eating between dieting and food intake or BMI gain in women Appetite. 145: 104493
Khasho DA, Alphen SPJv, Heijnen-Kohl SMJ, et al. (2019) The effectiveness of individual schema therapy in older adults with borderline personality disorder : Protocol of a multiple-baseline study Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications. 14: 100330
Höppener MM, Larsen JK, Strien Tv, et al. (2019) Depressive symptoms and emotional eating: Mediated by mindfulness? Mindfulness. 10: 670-678
Klein AM, Bakens R, van Niekerk RE, et al. (2018) The relation between generalized anxiety disorder symptoms and content-specific interpretation biases for auditory stimuli in children. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 61: 121-127
Strien Tv, Donker MH, Ouwens MA. (2016) Is desire to eat in response to positive emotions an 'obese' eating style: Is Kummerspeck for some people a misnomer? Appetite. 100: 225-235
Rutten EAP, Bachrach N, Balkom AJLMv, et al. (2016) Anxiety, depression and autonomy–connectedness: The mediating role of alexithymia and assertiveness Psychology and Psychotherapy-Theory Research and Practice. 89: 385-401
Lammers MW, Vroling MS, Ouwens MA, et al. (2015) Predictors of outcome for cognitive behaviour therapy in binge eating disorder. European Eating Disorders Review : the Journal of the Eating Disorders Association. 23: 219-28
Strien Tv, Ouwens MA, Engel C, et al. (2014) Hunger, inhibitory control and distress-induced emotional eating Appetite. 79: 124-133
Lehmann V, Ouwens MA, Braeken J, et al. (2013) Psychometric properties of the dutch version of the eating disorder inventory–3 Sage Open. 3
Ouwens MA, Cebolla A, Strien Tv. (2012) Eating style, television viewing and snacking in pre-adolescent children Nutricion Hospitalaria. 27: 1072-1078
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