Stephen Glen Pruett-Jones, Ph.D.

University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
"Stephen Pruett-Jones"
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Cross-listing: Animal Behavior Tree - Evolution Tree


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Frank A. Pitelka grad student 1985 UC Berkeley (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)
 (Ph.D.: The evolution of lek mating behavior in Lawes' Parotia (Aves: Parotia lawesii))
Jack Winningham Bradbury post-doc 1985-1988 UCSD


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Amy C. Driskell grad student 2001 Chicago
Jordan O. Karubian grad student 2001 Chicago
Melissah M. Rowe grad student 2008 Chicago
Emma I. Greig grad student 2010 Chicago
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Cain KE, Hall ML, Medina I, et al. (2019) Conspicuous Plumage Does Not Increase Predation Risk: A Continent-Wide Test Using Model Songbirds. The American Naturalist. 193: 359-372
Calhim S, Pruett-Jones S, Webster MS, et al. (2019) Asymmetries in reproductive anatomy: insights from promiscuous songbirds Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 128: 569-582
Uehling JJ, Tallant J, Pruett-Jones S. (2019) Status of naturalized parrots in the United States Journal of Ornithology. 160: 907-921
Yandell DD, Hochachka WM, Pruett-Jones S, et al. (2018) Geographic patterns of song variation in four species of Malurus fairy-wrens Journal of Avian Biology. 49: jav-01446
Johnson AE, Masco C, Pruett-Jones S. (2018) Song recognition and heterospecific associations between 2 fairy-wren species (Maluridae) Behavioral Ecology. 29: 821-832
Johnson AE, Pruett-Jones S. (2018) Reproductive promiscuity in the variegated fairy-wren: an alternative reproductive strategy in the absence of helpers? Animal Behaviour. 139: 171-180
Brouwer L, van de Pol M, Hidalgo Aranzamendi N, et al. (2017) Multiple hypotheses explain variation in extra-pair paternity at different levels in a single bird family. Molecular Ecology
Blizard M, Pruett-Jones S. (2017) Plumage pattern dimorphism in a shorebird exhibiting sex-role reversal (Actitis macularius) The Auk. 134: 363-376
Masco C, Allesina S, Mennill DJ, et al. (2015) The Song Overlap Null model Generator (SONG): a new tool for distinguishing between random and non-random song overlap Bioacoustics. 25: 29-40
Johnson AE, Jordan Price J, Pruett-Jones S. (2013) Different modes of evolution in males and females generate dichromatism in fairy-wrens (Maluridae). Ecology and Evolution. 3: 3030-46
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