Satoru Okuda

Kanazawa University, Japan 
"Satoru Okuda"
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Okuda S, Hiraiwa T. (2023) Modelling contractile ring formation and division to daughter cells for simulating proliferative multicellular dynamics. The European Physical Journal. E, Soft Matter. 46: 56
Matsuzawa R, Matsuo A, Fukamachi S, et al. (2023) Multicellular dynamics on structured surfaces: Stress concentration is a key to controlling complex microtissue morphology on engineered scaffolds. Acta Biomaterialia
Nath S, Toda S, Okuda S. (2022) Intestinal and optic-cup organoids as tools for unveiling mechanics of self-organizing morphogenesis. Biophysics and Physicobiology. 19: e190048
Okuda S, Sato K. (2022) Polarized interfacial tension induces collective migration of cells, as a cluster, in a 3D tissue. Biophysical Journal. 121: 1856-1867
Okuda S, Fujimoto K. (2020) A Mechanical Instability in Planar Epithelial Monolayers Leads to Cell Extrusion. Biophysical Journal. 118: 2549-2560
Okuda S, Takata N, Hasegawa Y, et al. (2018) Strain-triggered mechanical feedback in self-organizing optic-cup morphogenesis. Science Advances. 4
Okuda S, Miura T, Inoue Y, et al. (2018) Combining Turing and 3D vertex models reproduces autonomous multicellular morphogenesis with undulation, tubulation, and branching. Scientific Reports. 8: 2386
Okuda S, Unoki K, Eiraku M, et al. (2017) Contractile actin belt and mesh structures provide the opposite dependence of epithelial stiffness on the spontaneous curvature of constituent cells. Development, Growth & Differentiation. 59: 455-464
Inoue Y, Watanabe T, Okuda S, et al. (2017) Mechanical role of the spatial patterns of contractile cells in invagination of growing epithelial tissue. Development, Growth & Differentiation
Hasegawa Y, Takata N, Okuda S, et al. (2016) Emergence of dorsal-ventral polarity in ES cell-derived retinal tissue. Development (Cambridge, England)
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