Berenice Borges Lorenzetti

1981-1984 Pharmacology Universidade de São Paulo (Ribeirão Preto, Brazil) 
"Berenice Lorenzetti"
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Chichorro JG, Lorenzetti BB, Zampronio AR. (2004) Involvement of bradykinin, cytokines, sympathetic amines and prostaglandins in formalin-induced orofacial nociception in rats. British Journal of Pharmacology. 141: 1175-84
Lorenzetti BB, Veiga FH, Canetti CA, et al. (2003) Cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant 1 (CINC-1) mediates the sympathetic component of inflammatory mechanical hypersensitivitiy in rats. European Cytokine Network. 13: 456-61
Ferreira SH, Lorenzetti BB, De Campos DI. (1991) Induction, blockade and restoration of a persistent hypersensitive state. Pain. 42: 365-371
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