Roger T. Davis

University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD, United States 
non-human primate behavior
"Roger Davis"
Mean distance: 14.93 (cluster 15)
Cross-listing: Animal Behavior Tree - Primatology Tree


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Harry F. Harlow grad student University of South Dakota (Primatology Tree)
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Davis RT, Leary RW, Dell Casebeer Smith M, et al. (2016) Species Differences in the Gross Behaviour of Nonhuman Primates Behaviour. 31: 326-338
Bayne KAL, Davis RT. (1983) Susceptibility of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) to the Ponzo illusion Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 21: 476-478
Davis RT, Bennett CL, Weisenburger WP. (1982) Repeated Measurements Of Forgetting By Rhesus Monkeys (Mac Ac A Mulatta) Perceptual and Motor Skills. 55: 703-709
Flagg SF, Medin DL, Davis RT. (1974) Stimulus generalization in monkeys following discrimination training with gray stimuli Animal Learning & Behavior. 2: 19-22
Davis RT, Ruggiero FT. (1973) Memory in monkeys as a function of preparatory interval and pattern complexity of matrix displays. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 38: 573-7
Medin DL, O'Neil P, Smeltz E, et al. (1973) Age differences in retention of concurrent discrimination problems in monkeys. Journal of Gerontology. 28: 63-7
Sayner RB, Davis RT. (1972) Significance of sign in an S-R separation problem. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 34: 671-6
Borkhuis ML, Davis RT, Medin DL. (1971) Confusion errors in monkey short-term memory Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 77: 206-211
Davis RT, Leary RW. (1968) Learning Of Detour Problems By Lemurs And Seven Species Of Monkeys Perceptual and Motor Skills. 27: 1031-1034
Medin DL, Davis RT. (1968) Formation of a Successive (Sign-Differentiated-Position) Learning Set in Stumptail Monkeys Perceptual and Motor Skills. 27: 835-838
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