Courtney Samantha Hillman

University of Surrey, Guildford, England, United Kingdom 
behaviour, pharmacology, drugs of abuse, zebrafish, genomics
"Courtney Hillman"
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Fontana BD, Reichmann F, Tilley CA, et al. (2023) adgrl3.1-deficient zebrafish show noradrenaline-mediated externalizing behaviors, and altered expression of externalizing disorder-candidate genes, suggesting functional targets for treatment. Translational Psychiatry. 13: 304
Alnassar N, Hillman C, Fontana BD, et al. (2023) angptl4 gene expression as a marker of adaptive homeostatic response to social isolation across the lifespan in zebrafish. Neurobiology of Aging. 131: 209-221
Cleal M, Fontana BD, Hillman C, et al. (2023) Ontogeny of working memory and behavioural flexibility in the free movement pattern (FMP) Y-maze in zebrafish. Behavioural Processes. 212: 104943
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