Alain Privat

"Alain Privat"
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Vandame D, Ulmann L, Teigell M, et al. (2013) Development of NMDAR antagonists with reduced neurotoxic side effects: a study on GK11. Plos One. 8: e81004
Mausset-Bonnefont AL, Hirbec H, Bonnefont X, et al. (2005) Acute exposure to GSM 900-MHz electromagnetic fields induces glial reactivity and biochemical modifications in the rat brain. Neurobiology of Disease. 17: 445-54
Hirbec H, Mausset AL, Kamenka JM, et al. (2002) Re-evaluation of phencyclidine low-affinity or "non-NMDA" binding sites. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 68: 305-14
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