Selena Fu

2020-2022 Psychology University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada 
"Selena Fu"
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Chrusch MJ, Fu S, Spanswick SC, et al. (2023) Environmental Enrichment Engages Vesicular Zinc Signaling to Enhance Hippocampal Neurogenesis. Cells. 12
Fu S, Cho AT, Spanswick SC, et al. (2023) Vesicular Zinc Modulates Cell Proliferation and Survival in the Developing Hippocampus. Cells. 12
McAllister BB, Pochakom A, Fu S, et al. (2019) Effects of social defeat stress and fluoxetine treatment on neurogenesis and behavior in mice that lack zinc transporter 3 (ZnT3) and vesicular zinc. Hippocampus
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