Alejandro Macias

University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal 
Experimental psychology, behavioral analysis, comparative psychology
"Alejandro Macias"
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Macías A, González VV, Machado A, et al. (2023) Time, uncertainty, and suboptimal choice. Behavioural Processes. 104982
González VV, Macías A, Machado A, et al. (2020) Testing the Δ-∑ hypothesis in the suboptimal choice task: Same delta with different probabilities of reinforcement. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 114: 233-247
Macías A, González VV, Machado A, et al. (2020) The functional equivalence of two variants of the suboptimal choice task: choice proportion and response latency as measures of value. Animal Cognition
González VV, Macías A, Machado A, et al. (2020) The Δ-∑ hypothesis: How contrast and reinforcement rate combine to generate suboptimal choice. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
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