Gudrun Schwarzer

Justis-Liebig University Giessen 
"Gudrun Schwarzer"
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Dillmann J, Evertz J, Krasotkina A, et al. (2023) Older infants' social learning behavior under uncertainty is modulated by the interaction of face and speech processing. Infancy : the Official Journal of the International Society On Infant Studies. 29: 56-71
Linka M, Sensoy Ö, Karimpur H, et al. (2023) Free viewing biases for complex scenes in preschoolers and adults. Scientific Reports. 13: 11803
Preißler L, Jovanovic B, Munzert J, et al. (2021) Effects of visual and visual-haptic perception of material rigidity on reaching and grasping in the course of development. Acta Psychologica. 221: 103457
Krasotkina A, Götz A, Höhle B, et al. (2021) Perceptual narrowing in face- and speech-perception domains in infancy: A longitudinal approach. Infant Behavior & Development. 64: 101607
Hillairet de Boisferon A, Kubicek C, Gervain J, et al. (2021) Language familiarity influences own-race face recognition in 9- and 12-month-old infants. Infancy : the Official Journal of the International Society On Infant Studies
Gerhard TM, Culham JC, Schwarzer G. (2020) Manual exploration of objects is related to 7-month-old infants' visual preference for real objects. Infant Behavior & Development. 62: 101512
Krasotkina A, Götz A, Höhle B, et al. (2020) Bimodal familiarization re-sensitizes 12-month-old infants to other-race faces. Infant Behavior & Development. 62: 101502
Krasotkina A, Götz A, Höhle B, et al. (2020) Infants' Gaze Patterns for Same-Race and Other-Race Faces, and the Other-Race Effect. Brain Sciences. 10
Sensoy Ö, Culham JC, Schwarzer G. (2020) Do infants show knowledge of the familiar size of everyday objects? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 195: 104848
Krasotkina A, Götz A, Höhle B, et al. (2018) Perceptual Narrowing in Speech and Face Recognition: Evidence for Intra-individual Cross-Domain Relations. Frontiers in Psychology. 9: 1711
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