Andreas Skiadopoulos, Ph.D.

2021- Physical Therapy City University of New York, New York, NY, United States 
biomechanics, neurophysiology
"Andreas Skiadopoulos"
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Skiadopoulos A, Knikou M. (2024) Tapping into the human spinal locomotor centres with transspinal stimulation. Scientific Reports. 14: 5990
Ahmad AMS, Raphael M, Han JF, et al. (2024) Soleus H-reflex amplitude modulation during walking remains physiological during transspinal stimulation in humans. Experimental Brain Research
Skiadopoulos A, Knikou M. (2024) Tapping Into the Human Spinal Locomotor Centres With Transspinal Stimulation. Research Square
Skiadopoulos A. (2024) Tapping into the human spinal locomotor centres with transspinal stimulation Scientific Reports
Skiadopoulos A, Famodimu GO, Solomon SK, et al. (2023) Priming locomotor training with transspinal stimulation in people with spinal cord injury: study protocol of a randomized clinical trial. Trials. 24: 145
Skiadopoulos A, Famodimu GO, Solomon SK, et al. (2023) Priming locomotor training with transspinal stimulation in people with spinal cord injury: study protocol of a randomized clinical trial. Research Square
Skiadopoulos A, Pulverenti TS, Knikou M. (2022) Physiological effects of cathodal electrode configuration for transspinal stimulation in humans. Journal of Neurophysiology. 128: 1663-1682
Mangalam M, Skiadopoulos A, Siu KC, et al. (2022) Leveraging a virtual alley with continuously varying width modulates step width variability during self-paced treadmill walking. Neuroscience Letters. 136966
Likens AD, Mastorakis S, Skiadopoulos A, et al. (2021) Irregular Metronomes as Assistive Devices to Promote Healthy Gait Patterns. Ieee Consumer Communications and Networking Conference. Ieee Consumer Communications and Networking Conference. 2021
Ravi DK, Bartholet M, Skiadopoulos A, et al. (2021) Rhythmic auditory stimuli modulates movement recovery to perturbation during locomotion. The Journal of Experimental Biology
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