Lukas Goede

2021-2025 Neurology Charité Hospital, Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Germany 
"Lukas Goede"
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Neudorfer C, Butenko K, Oxenford S, et al. (2023) Lead-DBS v3.0: Mapping Deep Brain Stimulation Effects to Local Anatomy and Global Networks. Neuroimage. 119862
Neudorfer C, Kroneberg D, Al-Fatly B, et al. (2022) Reply to "Deep Brain Stimulation for Tremor: Direct Targeting of a Novel Imaging Biomarker". Annals of Neurology
Neudorfer C, Kroneberg D, Al-Fatly B, et al. (2022) Personalizing deep brain stimulation using advanced imaging sequences. Annals of Neurology
Middlebrooks EH, Okromelidze L, Wong JK, et al. (2021) Connectivity correlates to predict essential tremor deep brain stimulation outcome: Evidence for a common treatment pathway. Neuroimage. Clinical. 32: 102846
Sobesky L, Goede L, Odekerken VJJ, et al. (2021) Subthalamic and pallidal deep brain stimulation: are we modulating the same network? Brain : a Journal of Neurology
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