Antimo Buonocore

University of Trento, CIMeC 
"Antimo Buonocore"
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McIntosh RD, Iveson MH, Similä SS, et al. (2023) Pictorial depth cues always influence reaching distance. Neuropsychologia. 190: 108701
Khademi F, Zhang T, Baumann MP, et al. (2023) Visual feature tuning properties of stimulus-driven saccadic inhibition in macaque monkeys. Journal of Neurophysiology
Fracasso A, Buonocore A, Hafed ZM. (2023) Peri-saccadic orientation identification performance and visual neural sensitivity are higher in the upper visual field. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Buonocore A, Hafed ZM. (2023) The inevitability of visual interruption. Journal of Neurophysiology
Cregg JM, Mirdamadi JL, Fortunato C, et al. (2022) Highlights from the 31st Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neural Control of Movement. Journal of Neurophysiology. 129: 220-234
Huber-Huber C, Buonocore A, Melcher D. (2021) The extrafoveal preview paradigm as a measure of predictive, active sampling in visual perception. Journal of Vision. 21: 12
Buonocore A, Dietze N, McIntosh RD. (2021) Time-dependent inhibition of covert shifts of attention. Experimental Brain Research
Buonocore A, Tian X, Khademi F, et al. (2021) Instantaneous movement-unrelated midbrain activity modifies ongoing eye movements. Elife. 10
Hafed ZM, Yoshida M, Tian X, et al. (2021) Dissociable Cortical and Subcortical Mechanisms for Mediating the Influences of Visual Cues on Microsaccadic Eye Movements. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 15: 638429
Bogadhi AR, Buonocore A, Hafed ZM. (2020) Task-irrelevant visual forms facilitate covert and overt spatial selection. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
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