1991 |
Wulfert, Edelgard |
R01Activity Code Description: To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies. |
Condom Use: a Cognitive Social Learning Perspective @ State University of New York At Albany
As to date there is neither a cure nor a vaccine to prevent HIV infection, behavioral risk reduction through the use of condoms may be the major tool to stem the spread of AIDS. The proposed research project conceptualizes the use of condoms as a behavior that is best explained within the framework of cognitive-social learning theory. The present study is a questionnaire survey that will be mailed to approximately 2,700 members of five sample domains: a gay and lesbian association, a singles network, substance abuse patients from two local hospitals, HIV-positive patients from a regional AIDS treatment center, and students from local sororities and fraternities. The study will explore the relationship of three cognitive variables (sexual attitudes, outcome expectancies, and self-efficacy), which - based on cognitive-social learning theory - are assumed to mediate sexual behavior and condom use. The study will also examine alcohol and drug use associated with sexual activity and knowledge about AIDS. A variety of potential moderator variables (SES, relationship status, sexual orientation, etc.) will be considered. The relationship of these variables to sexual behavior and condom use will be investigated.
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2002 — 2004 |
Wulfert, Edelgard |
R21Activity Code Description: To encourage the development of new research activities in categorical program areas. (Support generally is restricted in level of support and in time.) |
Cognitive-Motivational Bahavior Therapy For Gamblers @ State University of New York At Albany
DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): A recent meta-analysis by Shaffer, Half and Bilt (1997) concluded that pathological gambling is developing into a serious public health problem. Although the rise in gambling problems has stimulated treatment outcome research, there is a shortage of systematic and controlled treatment research. Substantial progress has not been made in understanding how to treat pathological gambling. Of particular concern are the high dropout rates from treatment. To address gamblers' motivational ambivalence, we have developed and propose to test the effectiveness of a Cognitive-Motivational Behavior Therapy. The treatment is designed first, to enhance gamblers' readiness for change. Once patients are committed to treatment, the therapy then addresses specific cognitive biases regarding the notion of randomness that are assumed to lie at the heart of pathological gambling (Sylvain, Ladouceur & Boisvert. 1997). Behavioral components (problem solving. assertiveness) will also be used to enhance coping skills. Thus, by combining aspects of motivational interviewing with cognitive behavior therapy, we anticipate that this study will increase our conceptual understanding of the disorder and render empirical evidence on how to improve its treatment. We will conduct a controlled pilot study of 40 individuals who meet DSM-IV criteria for pathological gambling. As part of the study, we will conduct a detailed assessment of these patients. We will then randomly assign 20 pathological gamblers each to either the experimental treatment or to a Gamblers Anonymous control condition. Given the reported high dropout rate from Gamblers Anonymous, this condition will be the functional equivalent of a no-treatment control group without its ethical liabilities and practical limitations. Patients will be assessed prior to and after treatment and at 3- and 6-month follow-up. Measures will consist of gambling-specific interviews and questionnaires. Comorbid Axis I and Axis II psychopathology will be assessed. A challenge paradigm will be used to assess reactivity to gambling cues before and after treatment. Findings from this study are expected to inform future research on the treatment of pathological gambling.
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2009 — 2012 |
Wulfert, Edelgard |
R01Activity Code Description: To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies. |
1/2 Gambling Addiction: Treatment Mediators and Moderators @ State University of New York At Albany
DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Pathological gambling is a highly underrated, yet extremely serious public health problem with enormously detrimental effects on individuals and families, and with an estimated yearly cost to society of over 5 billion dollars due to lost jobs, debt, bankruptcy, and incarcerations. Despite growing public awareness of the prevalence and damaging consequences of PG, there is presently no established psychosocial treatment for PG and no FDA approved medications. Through extensive pilot work and an NIMH-funded randomized trial (R21 MH064568) we have developed a treatment termed Cognitive-Motivational Behavior Therapy (CMBT) that has shown excellent retention and treatment efficacy. CMBT helps pathological gamblers resolve their motivational ambivalence and increases their readiness to change. Once patients are committed to change, the CMBT therapist then systematically corrects their specific cognitive biases, teaches them coping and resistance skills, and encourages lifestyle changes to innoculate them against relapse. Using the 'Collaborative R01s for Clinical Studies of Mental Disorders'mechanism, we now propose to conduct a study to identify mediators and moderators of this innovative treatment and to test its efficacy in a large randomized controlled trial with 200 pathological gamblers. We will randomize gamblers to CMBT or Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) as a comparison condition and assess them before, during, and after treatment as well as at 3, 6, and 12-month follow-up. We hypothesize that the effect of CMBT will be mediated by readiness to change, cognitive distortions, coping skills, and therapeutic alliance, whereas CBT will be mediated only by the last three, since it does not specifically target motivation. Hypothesized moderators include psychiatric comorbidity, baseline levels of gambling severity and of motivation to change, impulsivity and family history of PG. Specifically, we hypothesize that although CMBT will be superior on average to CBT in improving treatment retention and decreasing gambling behavior, those differences will be even larger in the presence of psychiatric comorbidity or family history of PG, higher baseline levels of impulsivity or gambling severity, or in individuals with lower motivation to change. We are confident that the findings from this study will significantly improve our understanding of PG and inform future research on the treatment of this very recalcitrant and difficult psychological disorder. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: Pathological gambling (PG) is a serious public health problem with enormously detrimental effects on individuals and families, yet there is a paucity on treatments of proven efficacy for this disorder. After developing Cognitive-Motivational Behavior Therapy (CMBT) and testing it in a small NIMH-funded randomized trial (R21 MH064568), we propose to conduct a rigorous large-scale efficacy trial comparing CMBT versus Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy to identify treatment mediators and moderators of both treatment approaches. The findings from this study will significantly improve our understanding of PG and inform future research on this disorder.
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2010 |
Wulfert, Edelgard |
C06Activity Code Description: To provide matching Federal funds, up to 75%, for construction or major remodeling, to create new research facilities. In addition to basic research laboratories this may include, under certain circumstances, animal facilities and/or limited clinical facilities where they are an integral part of an overall research effort. |
Institute of Rna Science and Technology (Irnast) @ State University of New York At Albany
DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): The first products of genes (DNA) are the ribonucleic acids, RNAs. Every cell has many different types of RNA molecules. Interest in RNA has increased exponentially with each new discovery of its functions. The great majority of RNAs produced from the human genome do not encode proteins, one of the traditional functions of RNA. Instead they are associated with controlling gene expression, as to when and to what degree a human gene is turned on. The goal of this proposal is to construct an institute to meet the compelling need, and future requisite, for a sustainable biomedical resource for research, technology development and applications of RNA biology to human health. The rapidly expanding aspects of RNA biomedical science and technology require expertise, methods development and instrumentation that are not readily available to an individual investigator or even a group of scientists. The instruments and associated methods used for biomedical research on RNA function require special care to exclude contaminations that cleave RNA, and therefore are many times too difficult or expensive to maintain by individual laboratories, and are not generally available for the education and experience of their students and postdoctoral fellows. Within two years, the Institute for RNA Science and Technology (IRNAST) will be a science-driven resource with some 60 new, sustainable positions that meet this and future needs. IRNAST will be designed, engineered and constructed as a unique biomedical institute formed from 15,000 sq. ft. of shell space in the four year old Life Science Research Building at the University of Albany-SUNY. It will have a novel scientific and educational infrastructure. IRNAST scientists will engage in biomedical programs in infectious disease, cancer biology and neurodegenerative/neuromuscular and other diseases. IRNAST will have: 1) Advanced Facilities for Biomedical Research and Education to include Core RNA Instrumentation and Computational Facilities, designed with mobile benches, moveable walls and flexible space;2) Five principal investigator and visitor laboratories designed for maximum flexibility in walls and benches to allow for the growth, offices and shared postdoctoral fellow and student office spaces, designed to maximize interactions between groups;3) A general break room, a conference room, storage space and circulation space;4) An energy/heat recovery system not only for IRNAST but for the entire building;5) Fixed equipment includes fume hoods, autoclave, glass washer, walk-in environmental cold rooms, ice makers, water polishers, an uninterruptable power supply system, and specialty gas cylinder storage cabinets. Design and construction will create an additional 25 jobs on-site, and the finished Institute will surpass the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Systems silver level of sustainable green building and development practices. The University has committed $2 million to match an NIH construction award, $2.5 million for equipment, two senior faculty positions, five staff positions, annual operational costs including equipment repair, and support for multi-year, multi-disciplinary pilot projects, seminars and an annual Symposium.
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2021 — 2024 |
Belfort, Marlene (co-PI) [⬀] Rodriguez, Havidan [⬀] Wagner, Christine Larsen, Melinda (co-PI) [⬀] Wulfert, Edelgard |
N/AActivity Code Description: No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information |
Advance Adaptation: Project Sages: Striving to Achieve Gender Equity in Stem
The University at Albany is a doctoral institution with a strong commitment to research excellence. It boasts a highly diverse undergraduate population and strives to excel as a diverse and inclusive campus community; yet, women and women of color are underrepresented in the faculty ranks of STEM departments. The goal of Project SAGES is to create an environment in which women of all backgrounds and identities can thrive and develop their careers to their fullest potential. To accomplish this goal, Project SAGES seeks to increase the number of women scientists in STEM fields through proactive recruitment and unbiased hiring procedures and retain them by creating a climate and culture in which women feel supported, thrive, and advance in their careers from assistant to associate to full professor.
The aims of Project SAGES are threefold: Aim 1 seeks to increase the diversity of applicant pools for faculty searches in STEM through a postdoctoral visitation program to identify competitive candidates for job vacancies and by education of search committees and decision makers on inclusive, unbiased search processes. To promote diverse applicant pools, search chairs will receive real-time feedback about pools to permit proactive measures if diversity does not meet national norms for the field. Aim 2 seeks to improve the campus climate by subtly shifting departmental norms and cultures. Departmental interventions will comprise awareness training for chairs, the formation of department climate committees, and ally training for men and women, all with the goal of creating a more inclusive environment. In addition, consistent and transparent policies and procedures will be implemented that meet the needs of a diverse faculty. Aim 3 seeks to support women’s research success. A networking program for women faculty and women of color and a pilot funding program will allow women in STEM to build collaborative research teams. Additional support is provided with a novel external sponsor program in which female assistant professors are paired with a prominent expert from another university who will provide ongoing guidance on best strategies for networking, funding, publishing, and achieving tenure. Through these interventions, Project SAGES aims to bring about sustained institutional transformation at the University at Albany with the goal of achieving inclusive excellence in STEM that better reflects the university’s highly diverse student body. The interventions will lead to a more nurturing and family-friendly environment for women scientists of diverse identities and maximize their success through comprehensive professional support structures and an equitable tenure and promotion process. Outcomes from Project SAGES will be disseminated through multiple outlets including a website. The NSF ADVANCE program is designed to foster gender equity through a focus on the identification and elimination of organizational barriers that impede the full participation and advancement of diverse faculty in academic institutions. Organizational barriers that inhibit equity may exist in policies, processes, practices, and the organizational culture and climate. ADVANCE "Adaptation" awards provide support for the adaptation and adoption of evidence-based strategies to academic, non-profit institutions of higher education as well as non-academic, non-profit organizations.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
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