2022 — 2025 |
Yan, Jun Chen, Kun (co-PI) [⬀] Huggins, Robert Schifano, Elizabeth Burton, Laura |
N/AActivity Code Description: No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information |
Conference: Uconn Sports Analytics Symposium: Engaging Students Into Data Science @ University of Connecticut
The UConn Sports Analytics Symposium (UCSAS) will be held on Saturday, Oct. 8, 2022, and annually on the second Saturday in October 2023-2024. The symposium is designed to attract more students outside of traditional data science programs into data science through sports analytics. Unlike other sports analytics conferences that are often not accessible to students due to the technical level, cost, or space limitations, the UCSAS has a unique focus on pre-college, undergraduate, and graduate students who are interested in sports analytics as well as data science in general. The event aims to showcase sports analytics to students at an accessible level, train students in data analytics with application to sports data, and foster collaboration between academic programs and the sports industry. The program features student-friendly keynote presentations, student poster competitions, training workshops at different levels, data challenges, and career panels, with every component highlighting students' needs. All outcomes from the event are permanently archived with open access. The UCSAS accelerates the data literacy and "citizen data science" movements from society's perspective.
The UCSAS has great potential to advance knowledge in sports analytics and the general data science field. It has been well-documented that, as an interface between sports and data science, sports analytics is extremely powerful in engaging students from different backgrounds to learn more about and become good at data science. The UCSAS brings students with a common interest in analytics together under a data science umbrella. It facilitates the advancement of understanding about sports analytics across the analytics and data science worlds. The student poster competition and the data challenge will stimulate creative and potentially transformative contributions to sports analytics. The training workshops tailored to different levels offer an effective jump-start model for engaging students in data science. Through these activities, the UCSAS fosters partnerships between academia and the sports industry. The educational materials, video recordings of the keynote presentations, poster submissions, and data challenge submissions will be widely disseminated via social media and GitHub repository in addition to standard channels such as websites and journal publications. More details about the symposium can be found at: https://uconnsportsanalytics.org/index.html.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
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