1985 |
Goodman, Joshua L |
F32Activity Code Description: To provide postdoctoral research training to individuals to broaden their scientific background and extend their potential for research in specified health-related areas. |
An Investigation of Hemoproteins Using Photoacoustic Cal @ University of Colorado At Boulder |
0.911 |
1987 — 1990 |
Goodman, Joshua |
N/AActivity Code Description: No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information |
Study of Reactive Intermediates Using Photoacoustic Calorimetry (Chemistry) @ University of Rochester
This grant in the Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry Program supports research by Prof. Joshua Goodman, which is aimed at the development of an experimental technique known as pulsed time-resolved photoacoustic calorimetry (PAC) and applying it to the solution of several important problems in organic chemistry and photochemistry. This work is important because the PAC technique is capable of simultaneously measuring both dynamics and energies of light-induced reactions in solution. Photochemical reactions are processes of both fundamental and practical interest, so understanding the step-by-step structural and energetic changes involved in these reactions is an important goal. Dr. Goodman's work has three principal objectives: (1) to continue development of the PAC technique by extension to non- homogeneous media and by improvement of time resolution to the 50-nanosecond regime; (2) to employ PAC techniques to measure bond dissociation energies in important chemical systems such as 1,4-biradicals, captodative radicals, and cation radicals; and (3) to determine the reactivity and energetics of non- spectroscopic reactive intermediates in cyclopropane isomerizations. These novel measurements are possible because the photoacoustic technique can time-resolve the non-radiative decay processes of reactive intermediates such as those occurring in photochemical reactions.
0.954 |
1990 — 1993 |
Goodman, Joshua |
N/AActivity Code Description: No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information |
Investigation of Reactive Intermediates Using Photoacoustic Calorimetry @ University of Rochester
This grant from the Organic Dynamics Program supports the continuing work of Dr. Joshua L. Goodman of the University of Rochester. This work will improve our basic understanding of the fundamental processes by which chemical reactions occur. The experiments that will be carried out by Dr. Goodman will utilize time-resolved photoacoustic calorimetry, which allows measurement of microscopic volume changes of a system following photoexcitation. The magnitude of these volume changes can be related to reaction enthalpies and to volume changes involving reactive intermediates. The investigation will focus on processes involving ion radicals and carbenes. A new two-laser system will be developed in which the first laser pulse is used to generate the reactive intermediate and a second laser pulse is employed to photoexcite the intermediate.
0.954 |
1990 — 1996 |
Goodman, Joshua |
N/AActivity Code Description: No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information |
Presidential Young Investigator Award/Cation Radical Photochemistry. @ University of Rochester
This Presidential Young Investigator Award given in the Organic Dynamics Program supports the research of Dr. Joshua L. Goodman of the University of Rochester. This work is aimed at describing accurately the properties of high-energy species that are formed in chemical reactions, and it will improve our basic understanding of how chemical reactions occur. The experiments that will be carried out by Dr. Goodman will span three areas: (1) the study of retinal proteins to determine how light energy drives chemical and biological reactions, (2) the investigation of relationships between structure and energy for organic reactive intermediates, and (3) the applicability of orbital symmetry selection rules to odd-electron photochemical reactions. The work will utilize time-resolved photoacoustic calorimetry, which allows measurement of microscopic volume changes of a system following perturbation by photoexcitation. The magnitudes of these volume changes can be related to reaction enthalpies and to volume changes involving reactive intermediates. The photoacoustic detection method will be extended to methods of activation other than photoinitiation.
0.954 |
1993 — 1997 |
Goodman, Joshua |
N/AActivity Code Description: No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information |
Investigation of Reactive Intermediates: 1,1 and 1,4 Biradicals and Cation Radicals @ University of Rochester
Several chemical reactions which involve highly reactive, short-lived intermediates will be examined. The role of these intermediates will be probed with time-resolved absorption spectroscopy and photoacoustic calorimetry. Two major goals will be pursued. First, these techniques will be applied to reactive intermediates which include 1,1- and 1,4-biradicals and their oxidation products, 1,1- and 1,4- biradical cations. Second, the results will be used to understand what factors are important in determining how these intermediates are converted to products. Factors such as substitution, temperature, method of generation, and solvent will be considered, which will provide insight into how structure and thermodynamics affect their reactivity. %%% This grant from the Organic Dynamics Program supports the continuing work of Joshua L. Goodman at the University of Rochester. Key reactive intermediates in organic chemistry will be studied that have two formal bonds to carbon (carbenes or 1,1-biradicals) and three formal bonds (1,4- biradicals). In the latter instance, two such carbon centers are found in an intermediate. These intermediates will be probed by spectroscopic and calorimetric means on a short time-scale. The results will provide an understanding as to what factors determine the products from these intermediates.
0.954 |
1997 — 1999 |
Bazan, Guillermo Whitten, David [⬀] Dinnocenzo, Joseph (co-PI) [⬀] Goodman, Joshua Eisenberg, Richard (co-PI) [⬀] |
N/AActivity Code Description: No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information |
Purchase of 400 Mhz Nmr Spectrometer @ University of Rochester
This award from the Chemistry Research Instrumentation and Facilities (CRIF) Program will assist the Department of Chemistry at the University of Rochester in acquiring a 400 MHz nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer. This equipment will enhance research in a number of areas including the following: (1) bioorganic chemistry, (2) mechanisms of organic reactions involving reactive intermediates, (3) reactivity of ion radicals, (4) parahydrogen induced polarization, and (5) photoinduced electron transfer reactions. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is the most powerful tool available to chemists for the elucidation of the structure of molecules. It is used to identify unknown substances, characterize specific arrangements of atoms within molecules, and to study the dynamics of interactions between molecules in solution. Access to state-of-the-art NMR spectrometry is essential to chemists who are carrying out frontier research. The results from these NMR studies are useful in the areas such as polymers, catalysis, and in biology.
0.954 |
2001 — 2006 |
Goodman, Joshua |
N/AActivity Code Description: No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information |
Bond Coupled Electron Transfer Reactions @ University of Rochester
Professor Joshua Goodman of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Rochester, with the support of the Organic Dynamics Program, explores detailed mechanistic studies on different aspects of electron transfer reactions. The proposed research is centered on the concept that coupling the electron transfer processes to bond breaking and bond making events can increase the efficiency of electron transfer reactions. The research plan deals exclusively with the competition between return electron transfer (RET) and dissociative return electron transfer (DRET). The former is an energy-wasting decay process that has been widely studied in both singlet and triplet radical ion pairs. The latter is a rather specialized process that occurs only for triplet radical ion pairs under highly restrictive conditions for a limited set of substrates. Extensions of the scope of the DRET process will be of interest to specialists in the field of photoinduced electron transfer.
Bond coupled electron transfer (BCET) reactions have the potential to drive chemical reactions. This project seeks to investigate several of these reactions. Professor Goodman will focus primarily on DRET reactions that involve cleavage of (1) C-C bonds in disubstituted cyclopropanes and diarylethanes, (2) Si-Si bonds in disilanes, and (3) C-halogen bonds in substituted benzylic halides. An improved understanding of RET processes in photoinduced electron transfer reactions may eventually lead to the ability to drive chemical reactions using light. For example, it may be possible one day to employ polymerizations induced by light in imaging applications. The proposed investigation on disilanes may have an impact on developing lithographic resists, nonlinear optical materials, and one-dimensional conductors.
0.954 |
2001 — 2005 |
Jones, William [⬀] Rothberg, Lewis (co-PI) [⬀] Dinnocenzo, Joseph (co-PI) [⬀] Goodman, Joshua Eisenberg, Richard (co-PI) [⬀] |
N/AActivity Code Description: No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information |
Upgrade of a Picosecond Uv-Vis-Nir Pump-Probe Transient Absorption Spectrometer @ University of Rochester
With this award from the Chemistry Research Instrumentation and Facilities (CRIF) Program, the Department of Chemistry at the University of Rochester will upgrade a picosecond UV-vis-NIR pump-probe transient absorption spectrometer. This equipment will enhance research in the following areas: 1) quantum amplified isomerization; 2) mechanistic investigations of group 14 cation radical reactions; 3) nature and decay dynamics of photogenerated interchain species in conjugated polymers; 4) decay kinetics of ion radical pairs to determine return electron transfer rate constants; 5) studies of charge transfer processes in platinum diimine complexes; and 6) carbon nanotube electronics and interface vibrational dynamics.
A picosecond laser provides ultrafast pulses of coherent visible or infrared light, which enables researchers to obtain important information about fast occurring chemical reactions. Its use may enable breakthroughs in our understanding of the properties of reactive and nonreactive molecules. These studies will have an impact in a number of areas including polymer chemistry.
0.954 |