Jin Lee, D.Phil - US grants

Experimental Psychology University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom 
Infant Visual Development

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The funding information displayed below comes from the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools and the NSF Award Database.
The grant data on this page is limited to grants awarded in the United States and is thus partial. It can nonetheless be used to understand how funding patterns influence mentorship networks and vice-versa, which has deep implications on how research is done.
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High-probability grants

According to our matching algorithm, Jin Lee is the likely recipient of the following grants.
Years Recipients Code Title / Keywords Matching
1996 — 2002 Lee, Jin S
P01Activity Code Description:
For the support of a broadly based, multidisciplinary, often long-term research program which has a specific major objective or a basic theme. A program project generally involves the organized efforts of relatively large groups, members of which are conducting research projects designed to elucidate the various aspects or components of this objective. Each research project is usually under the leadership of an established investigator. The grant can provide support for certain basic resources used by these groups in the program, including clinical components, the sharing of which facilitates the total research effort. A program project is directed toward a range of problems having a central research focus, in contrast to the usually narrower thrust of the traditional research project. Each project supported through this mechanism should contribute or be directly related to the common theme of the total research effort. These scientifically meritorious projects should demonstrate an essential element of unity and interdependence, i.e., a system of research activities and projects directed toward a well-defined research program goal.
U19Activity Code Description:
To support a research program of multiple projects directed toward a specific major objective, basic theme or program goal, requiring a broadly based, multidisciplinary and often long-term approach. A cooperative agreement research program generally involves the organized efforts of large groups, members of which are conducting research projects designed to elucidate the various aspects of a specific objective. Substantial Federal programmatic staff involvement is intended to assist investigators during performance of the research activities, as defined in the terms and conditions of award. The investigators have primary authorities and responsibilities to define research objectives and approaches, and to plan, conduct, analyze, and publish results, interpretations and conclusions of their studies. Each research project is usually under the leadership of an established investigator in an area representing his/her special interest and competencies. Each project supported through this mechanism should contribute to or be directly related to the common theme of the total research effort. The award can provide support for certain basic shared resources, including clinical components, which facilitate the total research effort. These scientifically meritorious projects should demonstrate an essential element of unity and interdependence.


@ University of Texas Md Anderson Can Ctr

1996 — 2002 Lee, Jin S
P01Activity Code Description:
For the support of a broadly based, multidisciplinary, often long-term research program which has a specific major objective or a basic theme. A program project generally involves the organized efforts of relatively large groups, members of which are conducting research projects designed to elucidate the various aspects or components of this objective. Each research project is usually under the leadership of an established investigator. The grant can provide support for certain basic resources used by these groups in the program, including clinical components, the sharing of which facilitates the total research effort. A program project is directed toward a range of problems having a central research focus, in contrast to the usually narrower thrust of the traditional research project. Each project supported through this mechanism should contribute or be directly related to the common theme of the total research effort. These scientifically meritorious projects should demonstrate an essential element of unity and interdependence, i.e., a system of research activities and projects directed toward a well-defined research program goal.

Core--Histology Lab

@ University of Texas Md Anderson Can Ctr

2004 — 2006 Lee, Jin
F31Activity Code Description:
To provide predoctoral individuals with supervised research training in specified health and health-related areas leading toward the research degree (e.g., Ph.D.).

Towards An Understanding of Olfactory Adaptation

@ University of California Davis

2008 — 2012 Lee, Jin Hyung [⬀]
K99Activity Code Description:
To support the initial phase of a Career/Research Transition award program that provides 1-2 years of mentored support for highly motivated, advanced postdoctoral research scientists.
R00Activity Code Description:
To support the second phase of a Career/Research Transition award program that provides 1 -3 years of independent research support (R00) contingent on securing an independent research position. Award recipients will be expected to compete successfully for independent R01 support from the NIH during the R00 research transition award period.

Visualization of Neuro-Molecular Targeting Using Distribution-Free, High-Res Fmri

@ University of California Los Angeles

2010 Lee, Jin Hyung [⬀]
DP2Activity Code Description:
To support highly innovative research projects by new investigators in all areas of biomedical and behavioral research.

In Vivo Control and Functional Visualization of Stem Cell-Driven Cns Regeneration

@ Stanford University

2011 — 2015 Lee, Jin Hyung [⬀]
N/AActivity Code Description:
No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information

Career: a New Vivo Brain Circuit Analysis Method Using Real-Time, High-Resolution Optogenetic Fmri

@ Stanford University

2012 — 2016 Au, Terry Kit-Fong
Bianchini, Julie A. (co-PI) [⬀]
Lee, Jin Sook Susan
Okamoto, Yukari (co-PI) [⬀]
Romo, Laura F [⬀]
R25Activity Code Description:
For support to develop and/or implement a program as it relates to a category in one or more of the areas of education, information, training, technical assistance, coordination, or evaluation.

Integrating Health and Biology in a Science Curriculum For Latino Preschoolers

@ University of California Santa Barbara

2014 Lee, Jin Hyung [⬀]
RF1Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specific, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing specific interest and competencies based on the mission of the agency, using standard peer review criteria. This is the multi-year funded equivalent of the R01 but can be used also for multi-year funding of other research project grants such as R03, R21 as appropriate.

Direct Visualization of Cell-Type Specific Ad Networks For Drug Development

@ Stanford University

2014 — 2018 Lee, Jin Hyung [⬀]
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Deconstructing Arousal Regulation Circuits For Optimal Dbs Therapy Design

@ Stanford University

2014 — 2019 Johnson, Susan
Bianchini, Julie [⬀]
Foltz, Kathleen (co-PI) [⬀]
Ograin, Christopher (co-PI) [⬀]
Lee, Jin Sook
N/AActivity Code Description:
No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information

Preparing Stem Teachers For English Language Learners: the Steller Project

@ University of California-Santa Barbara

2015 — 2019 Lee, Jin Hyung [⬀]
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Dynamic Regulation of Whole Brain Circuit Function by Basal Ganglia Pathways

@ Stanford University

2017 Lee, Jin Hyung [⬀]
RF1Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specific, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing specific interest and competencies based on the mission of the agency, using standard peer review criteria. This is the multi-year funded equivalent of the R01 but can be used also for multi-year funding of other research project grants such as R03, R21 as appropriate.

Defining Cell Type Specific Contributions to Fmri Signals

@ Stanford University

2018 — 2023 Chichilnisky, Eduardo
Ganguli, Surya (co-PI) [⬀]
Lee, Jin Hyung (co-PI) [⬀]
Mcclelland, James (co-PI) [⬀]
N/AActivity Code Description:
No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information

Nrt: Neurotech - Bringing Technology to Neuroscience

@ Stanford University

2018 Lee, Jin Hyung [⬀]
S10Activity Code Description:
To make available to institutions with a high concentration of NIH extramural research awards, research instruments which will be used on a shared basis.

Animal 7t Mri Scanner For Imaging Neural Circuits

@ Stanford University

2020 Lee, Jin Hyung [⬀]
DP1Activity Code Description:
To support individuals who have the potential to make extraordinary contributions to medical research. The NIH Director’s Pioneer Award is not renewable.

From Optogenetic Functional Mri to Mechanogenetic Functional Ultrasound

@ Stanford University

2020 — 2021 Gitler, Aaron D (co-PI) [⬀]
Lee, Jin Hyung [⬀]
R01Activity Code Description:
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing his or her specific interest and competencies.

Innovating High-Resolution Novel Imaging Approaches to Elucidate Mechanisms of Prion-Like Spreading of Neurodegenerative Disease

@ Stanford University

2020 — 2025 Seifert, Colleen (co-PI) [⬀]
Skerlos, Steven
Daly, Shanna
Fu, Katherine
Lee, Jin Woo
N/AActivity Code Description:
No activity code was retrieved: click on the grant title for more information

Advancing Undergraduate Engineering Education: Tools to Develop Engineering Design Skills That Consider Social, Economic, and Environmental Factors

@ Regents of the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
