Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Christopher Ball
Valerie Bambhacognitive development, first language acquisition, play, spatial skills Psychology Linguistics Peter Vishton (research assistant), Kate Harrigan (research assistant)
Ian K. Bartol Biological Sciences Mark R. Patterson (grad student), Sarah Laurie Sanderson (grad student)
Karen E. Boschen20062008 Joshua A. Burk (grad student)
Natalie Hiromi BritoEarly Home Environment and Neurobehavioral Development20062008 Peter Vishton (grad student)
Garnett (Jack) Ryland Brooks
William James BuchserNeuroscience, Biotechnology, Cancer
Joshua A. BurkBehavioral Neuroscience
Christopher A. Del NegroRespiration, Neurophsiology20012003 Jack L. Feldman (post-doc)
Kurt Andrew DeSotofalse memory, metacognition Psychology20062009 Christopher Ball (research assistant)
Ryann Fame20032006 Margaret Saha (research assistant)
Jenny Fiedlerepisodic memory, prospective memory Psychology20182020 Christopher Ball (research assistant)
Catherine A. ForestellDevelopment, Gustation
Robert Edward Gatten, Jr.1968 Garnett (Jack) Ryland Brooks (grad student)
Mary E. Goldsberrydevelopment, Pavlovian conditioning, learning20062008 Pamela S. Hunt (grad student)
George C. Grant
Grant E. Hainesfunctional morphology, contemporary evolution Biology20152017 Sarah Laurie Sanderson (grad student)
Kate Harrigan
John A. HayesRespiration, Neurophysiology20082009 Christopher A. Del Negro (grad student), Xueying Wang (collaborator)
William Matthew Howe20032006 Joshua A. Burk (grad student)
Pamela S. Huntdevelopmental, Pavlovian conditioning
Ryan Taylor JohnsonNeuroanatomy, Sexual Differentiation, Amygdala, Autism20032005 Joshua A. Burk (grad student)
Claire M Kaplanneuropsychology, cognitive neuroscience, obsessive-compulsive disorder, psychosis, neuroimaging, psychopharmacology, computational modeling Applied Science Psychology Greg D. Smith (research assistant), Joshua A. Burk (research assistant)
Jason C. Keagy Biology2003 Daniel Cristol (research assistant)
Jason A LaPierre
Angela M. LycanGifted Education, Higher Education2010 Carol Tieso (grad student)
Christopher A. MaherSolid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Condensed Matter
Eden B. ManessOrexin; Attention; Schizophrenia Applied Science20152021 Joshua A. Burk (grad student)
Rip McAdamsGuidance and Counseling Education, Industrial Psychology
Katherine C. MoraschChild Psychopathology and Developmental Disabilities Study Section20012003 Pamela S. Hunt (grad student)
John B. NezlekDaily experience, Well-being, Multilevel Modeling
Cynthia Hansson NullQuantitative Psychology
Ryland W. Pace20042007 Christopher A. Del Negro (grad student)
Maria Cristina PicardoSystems Neuroscienc20082012 Christopher A. Del Negro (grad student)
Richard S. Pond, Jr.Aggression, Emotion, Social Rejection20062008 John B. Nezlek (grad student)
M Christine Porter
Jessica L. (Ihne) ReedCognitive/Clinical Neuroscience, fMRI20062008 Pamela S. Hunt (research assistant)
Andrea M. Robinsonlearning, memory, attention Joshua A. Burk (grad student)
Margaret Saha
Sarah Laurie Sanderson
Greg D. Smith
William SotoEvolutionary Biology, symbiosis Michael Travisano (post-doc)
Carol TiesoGifted Education, Special Education, Educational Psychology Education, Secondary Education
James Tumulty Biology20122018 Mark A. Bee (grad student)
Mike Vecchione George C. Grant (grad student)
Peter Vishton James E. Cutting (grad student)
Xueying WangCPG, Respiration, Imaging, Alzheimer's disease20082012 Christopher A. Del Negro (grad student)
Sarah E WolfTelomere dynamics, stress responses Biology Daniel Cristol (grad student)
Kevin Woolfreyneural development, neural migration Joshua A. Burk (grad student)