Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Jonathan E. AlpertDepression/Psychiatry Psychiatry Maurizio Fava (research scientist)
Hamed AzamiBiomedical signal processing, machine learning Steven E. Arnold (post-doc)
Bengi Baran Psychiatry Dara S. Manoach (post-doc)
Hari M. BharadwajAuditory system, Human Neuroimaging Matti Hamalainen (post-doc)
Mark A. BlaisPersonality, Personality Assessment
Caroline BoudouxBiomedical Optics, Optical Coherence Tomography, Microscopy, Fiber Optics Wellman Center for Photomedicine Wellman Center for Photomedicine20012007 Brett E. Bouma (grad student), Guillermo J. Tearney (grad student)
Duong T. Chu Center for Regenerative Medicine20152016 Amar Sahay (research assistant)
Justine E CohenfMRI, sex differences, depression
Yu Yuki DaiSomatosensation, social behaviors, ASDs2020 Lauren Orefice (grad student)
Christopher P DavisMolecular biology, gene expression, chromatin, neurodevelopment Molecular Biology20112017 Robert E. Kingston (grad student)
Simon DujardinAlzheimer's disease
Jennifer Ann Erwin Jeannie T. Lee (grad student)
Ali FatemiMyelin disorders, neonatal neurology Katherine Sims (post-doc)
Analiese Fernandes Simon Dujardin (research assistant)
Jose C. Florezcircadian rhythms
Steven M. Hersch
Maesoon ImRetinal Prosthetics
Fae KayarianNon-Invasive Brain Stimulation; Autism Spectrum Disorder; MCI/Alzheimer's; Emergency Medicine
Corey J. KellerNeuroscience Sydney S. Cash (grad student)
Scott G. Kennedy Genetics Gary Ruvkun (grad student)
Niranjan KhadkaNeural engineering, Neuromodulation, Medical device, Computational Modeling Department of Psychiatry2020 Joan Camprodon (post-doc)
Nathaniel James Killiancentral nervous system physiology
Doo Yeon Kim
Hyung-Hwan Kim
Seung Woo LeeNeural Prosthesis Neurosurgery2011 Shelley I. Fried (post-doc)
Gregory LiebermanCognition, Neuroplasticity Neurology20042007 Steven M. Hersch (research assistant)
Cesare T. Lombroso Raymond D. Adams (post-doc)
Konstantinos Michmizoscomputational brain, human-centered robotics Matti Hamalainen (post-doc)
Douglas C. MillerBrain Tumors, Stroke, Neurodegenerative Diseases Pathology Pathology/Neuropathology19811984 Edward P. Richardson Jr. (post-doc), E. Tessa Hedley-Whyte (post-doc)
Lee Schwamm Neurology Walter J. Koroshetz (post-doc)
Alberto Serrano-PozoAlzheimer's disease, Lewy body disease, Frontotemporal Lobar Degenerations, Vascular dementias, Neurology Neurology20082013 Bradley T. Hyman (post-doc)
Katherine Sims
Dylan Spets Psychiatry2021 Jill Goldstein (post-doc)
Stephen B Tatterbrain and pituitary tumors, image-guided neurosurgery, stereotactic radiosurgery, deep brain stimulation, trigeminal neuralgia, human brain catecholamine measurement Neurosurgery19921997 William Sweet (post-doc), G. Rees Cosgrove (post-doc)
Milena VurroVisual Neuroscience, Visual Prosthesis
Xueying WangCPG, Respiration, Imaging, Alzheimer's disease Neurology20132015 Brian J. Bacskai (post-doc)
Eda YildirimEpigenetics; Cell biology
Jung Sun YooFluorescence molecular imaging, Multimodality imaging, Intraoperative/Intravital imaging, Neurovascular Research Laboratory20052006 Hyung-Hwan Kim (grad student)
Hyejin Yoon Neurology Bradley T. Hyman (post-doc)