University of Genova

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Antonio BorsellinoCybernetics, Biophysics
Maura Casadio2008 Taishin Nomura (collaborator)
Daniele Cavigliaartificial neural networks, VLSI Implementation
Maria Grazia Ciardo
Michele Giuglianoneocortex19962001 Massimo Grattarola (grad student)
Massimo Grattarolabioelectronics, biophysics, arrays of microelectrodes Antonio Borsellino (research assistant)
Leonardo BARBONI MORALES Department of Biophysical and Electronic Engineering20062010 Maurizio Valle (grad student)
Pietro MorassoComputational Motor control, Cognitive Robotics Emilio Bizzi (post-doc)
Ferdinando A. Mussa-IvaldiMotor System, Learning, Robotics, Computational Neuroscience Pietro Morasso (grad student)
Luigi Pinna Maurizio Valle (grad student)
giulio sandini Vincenzo Tagliasco (research scientist), Pietro Morasso (research scientist)
Vincenzo Tagliasco
Maurizio ValleMixed mode microelectronic systems (in CMOS technology) for signal processing and ad hoc wireless sensors networks, Embedded Integrated Circuits for Telecommunications, Electronic/artificial sensitive skin, Embedded electronic systems for tactile sensors, Microelectronics Daniele Caviglia (grad student)
Alessandro VatoBrain-computer Interfaces20012004 Massimo Grattarola (grad student)