National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Holly J BeaulacMammalian cochlea, histology, microscopy National Institute of Deafness and Communication Disorders2024 Catherine Jeanne Chalenski Weisz (post-doc)
Allen Braun
Stephan D. Brenowitzsynaptic transmission
Brad N. Buranauditory physiology19982000 Doris K. Wu (research assistant)
Cathy Bushnellpain David L. Robinson (grad student)
Julie ChenmTOR pathway mapping, epilepsy20092009 Stephan D. Brenowitz (research assistant)
Don ColingInner Ear Neurobiology19941996 Bechara Kachar (post-doc)
Paul Corbitt Barry Horwitz (grad student)
Matthew J. Fischl2017 Catherine Jeanne Chalenski Weisz (post-doc)
Ricardo Gil-da-CostaCognitive Neurosciences (Evolution of Conceptual Representation and Vocal Communication/Language) Allen Braun (grad student)
Jessica R Gilbertmajor depression, magnetoencephalography, effective connectivity, object processing, category-specificity, crossmodal binding20092013 Barry Horwitz (post-doc)
Barry Horwitz
Chad R. JacksonRetina, Visual System2001 Carter Van Waes (research assistant)
Bechara KacharStructural Cell Biology
Matthew W. Kelley
Yukiko KikuchiAuditory system Barry Horwitz (grad student)
Jieun Kim Barry Horwitz (grad student)
Katie Kindthair cells, zebrafish, calcium imaging
Sian Kitcher Catherine Jeanne Chalenski Weisz (grad student)
Laura C. ManellaOlfaction2008 Christiane Linster (grad student), Christiane Linster (grad student)
Uri ManorInner ear, hair cells, actin cytoskeleton, ion channels, mechanotransduction
Natalie Mosqueda
Marina PapoutsiBroca's area, topographic maps20042009 Barry Horwitz (grad student)
Ronald PetraliaElectron Microscopy2009 Houhui Hugh Xia (collaborator), Robert J. Wenthold (research scientist)
Ajay S. PillaiAuditory System, Theoretical Neuroscience, Neural Networks Jessica R Gilbert (collaborator), Barry Horwitz (grad student)
Christopher J. Plattvestibular system, comparative anatomy
David L. Robinson
Katherine Roche Robert J. Wenthold (post-doc)
Soumen RoyInner Ear and tarrgeted therapy
Noah Care Roy2011 Stephan D. Brenowitz (post-doc)
Maria E. Rubioauditory system, cerebellum, neuron-glia interaction,19951999 Robert J. Wenthold (post-doc)
Kirupa SuthakarAuditory Neuroscience Section on Neuronal Circuitry2020 Catherine Jeanne Chalenski Weisz (post-doc)
Malle A. TagametsNeuroscience Biology, Cognitive Psychology, Computer Science Barry Horwitz (grad student)
Antonio UlloaNeural Modeling20012004 Barry Horwitz (post-doc)
Rebecca VoglewedeSubcellular integration within axons and dendrites Section on Neuronal Circuitry2022 Catherine Jeanne Chalenski Weisz (post-doc)
Catherine Jeanne Chalenski Weiszauditory system, spiral ganglion neuron, synaptic transmission, olivocochlear efferents
Robert J. WentholdGlutamatergic synapse development
Doris K. Wudevelopmental neurobiology, inner ear