Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Tobias Ackelsolfactory system, sensory neurophysiology20112015 Marc Spehr (grad student)
Ali AsadollahiVisual and auditory systems, attention20032006 Hermann Wagner (grad student)
Elisabeta BallaVisual System, 2Photon Imaging Neurophysiology20202024 Björn M. Kampa (grad student)
Josef Ballmann
Claudia S. Barzneurobiology, barrel cortex20142014 Dirk Feldmeyer (grad student), Florent Haiss (post-doc)
Alexander Bextervisual system, virtual reality navigation, computational neuroscience Molecular and Systemic Neurophysiology2015 Björn M. Kampa (grad student)
Ferdinand Binkofski Department of Neurology Rüdiger J. Seitz (research assistant)
Peter Bremenauditory system, spatial hearing, scene analysis20022005 Hermann Wagner (research assistant)
Annika Cichyolfactory system, sensory neurophysiology20092013 Marc Spehr (grad student)
Adriana A. Dabacangamma oscillations, visual perception20132013 Florent Haiss (research assistant)
Guenter DebusPsychophysiology, Traffic
Niklas DomdeiVisual Psychophysics Zoology (Bio2)20132014 Hermann Wagner (research assistant)
Daniela Drose2013 Marc Spehr (grad student)
David Fleckion channels2011 Marc Spehr (grad student)
Daniela Flueggeolfactory system, sensory neurophysiology20072010 Marc Spehr (grad student)
Jolande Fookenneuroscience, vision, movement
Christof Frommneurology
Dan Alin Ganea20142019 Florent Haiss (grad student)
Monika Gorinolfactory system, sensory neurophysiology2010 Marc Spehr (grad student)
Sonja Grünidentification of network interactions, correlation analyses, spike train analysis, data management
Ute HabelSchizophrenia, Social Cognition, Mood Disorders
Bassam G HaddadStructural Biology, Molecular Dynamics, Ion Channels Department of Molecular Pharmacology2021 Jan-Philipp Machtens (post-doc)
Michael Haehnel Michael Lyons (research assistant)
Silke Hagendorfolfactory system, sensory neurophysiology20062009 Marc Spehr (grad student)
Claas Halfmannvisual system, electrophysiology Molecular and Systemic Neurophysiology2015 Björn M. Kampa (grad student)
Wolf M. HarmeningVisual system, Psychophysics, Adaptive optics20052008 Hermann Wagner (grad student)
Kevin Jehasseneuronal newtork Molecular and Systemic Neurophysiology20212023 Björn M. Kampa (post-doc)
Antonia M. Joussen
Daniel Kluender Michael Lyons (research assistant)
Thomas Kuenzel Biology20052008 Harald Luksch (grad student)
Zhimin LiBiochemical Engineering Lehrstuhl für Biotechnologie20162017 Ulrich Schwaneberg (grad student)
Moeller M. Lisaolfactory system, sensory neurophysiology2010 Marc Spehr (grad student)
Harald Luksch Biology19962007 Hermann Wagner (post-doc)
Jan-Philipp Machtens Department of Molecular Pharmacology20112013 Christoph Fahlke (grad student)
Johannes Noth
Hermann Paasche
Vanessa Putz Department of Child and Adolescant Psychiatry20102015 Nils Kohn (grad student)
Christina RegenbogenEmotion, Multisensory integration, Odors20092013 Ute Habel (grad student)
Magdalena Robachavisual system, in-vivo imaging Molecular and Systemic Neurophysiology2015 Björn M. Kampa (grad student)
Jorg Schulz
Janina SeubertOlfaction, Multisensory Integration, Schizophrenia, Emotion Ute Habel (grad student)
Stephanie Siegl
Matilde Ellen SimonettiBilingualism, Cross-situational statistical learning, Statistical learning, Language
Veitinger Sophieolfactory system, sensory neurophysiology20082011 Marc Spehr (grad student)
Marc Spehrolfactory system, sensory neurophysiology19992002 Hanns Hatt (grad student)
Jennifer Spehr Trese Leinders-Zufall (post-doc)
Manfred Staatmechanics, continuum mechanics, biomechanics, shakedown Fakultät für Mathematik Informatik und Naturwissenschaften19811988 Josef Ballmann (research assistant)
Veitinger Thomaschemotaxis20062010 Marc Spehr (grad student)
Chryssanthi Tsitoura2013 Marc Spehr (grad student)
Chris W. Turck Helmut Zahn (grad student)
Lisa Wagels Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics20122018 Nils Kohn (grad student)
Hermann WagnerNeurophysiology Richard Kempter (collaborator)
Sophie WetzVisual system, Color Vision, 2 photon20212024 Björn M. Kampa (grad student)
Christopher Wiesbrockvisual system, behaviour, computational neuroscience Molecular and Systemic Neurophysiology Björn M. Kampa (research assistant)
Andreas Wiratanaya Michael Lyons (research assistant)
Helmut Zahn