Mouseion of Alexandria

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Alexander Aetolus Zenodotus of Ephesus (research scientist)
Marinus of Alexandria
Callistratus of Alexandria Aristophanes of Byzantium (grad student)
Theon of Alexandria
Hypatia of Alexandria Theon of Alexandria (research assistant)
Euclid of AlexandriaGeometry
Aristophanes of Byzantium Apollonius Eidographos (research scientist), Zenodotus of Ephesus (grad student), Callimachus of Cyrene (post-doc), Eratosthenes of Cyrene (research scientist)
Herophilos of ChalcedonAnatomy Zenodotus of Ephesus (research scientist), Erasistratus of Keos (collaborator)
Lycophron of Chalcis Zenodotus of Ephesus (research scientist)
Synesius of Cyrene Hypatia of Alexandria (grad student)
Callimachus of Cyrene
Eratosthenes of Cyrene Apollonius of Rhodes (grad student)
Apollonius Eidographos Eratosthenes of Cyrene (research scientist)
Zenodotus of Ephesus Demetrius Phalereus (post-doc)
Ptolemy III Euergetes Apollonius of Rhodes (grad student)
Erasistratus of Keos
Apollonius Memphites Erasistratus of Keos (grad student)
Dositheus of Pelusium
Apollonius of Perga Euclid of Alexandria (grad student)
Demetrius Phalereus
Ptolemy II Philadelphus Philitas of Cos (grad student)
Claudius Ptolemy
Apollonius of Rhodes Callimachus of Cyrene (grad student)
Conon of Samos
Aristarchus of Samothrace Callistratus of Alexandria (grad student), Aristophanes of Byzantium (post-doc)
Hicesius of Smyrna Erasistratus of Keos (grad student)
Archimedes of Syracuse Eratosthenes of Cyrene (grad student)