Max Planck Institute for Brain Research

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Suneel Reddy Alla Heinrich Betz (grad student)
Olivia Nicola (Dumitrescu) Auferkorteretina
Heinrich Betz
Vasudeva Krishnamurthy BhatSystems Neuroscience, Memory, Navigation, Sleep Memory and Navigation Circuits Group20242025 Hiroshi T. Ito (research assistant)
Ashley M. Bourkemembrane trafficking, local protein synthesis, spatial proteomics Synaptic Plasticity Erin M. Schuman (post-doc)
Marta Castellanovisual system
Ellen ClaesRetina Silke Haverkamp (grad student)
Roi Cohen KadoshCognitive Neuroscience David E. Linden (grad student)
Lorenz A Fenk Gilles Laurent (post-doc)
Erhan Gençneuroimaging individual differences intelligence personality cognitive neuroscience, visual neuroscience20082012 Axel Kohler (grad student)
Felipe Gerhardcomputational neuroscience20082009 Gordon Pipa (research assistant)
Sara A HaddadSystems Neuroscience, Retina, Retinal Physiology, Vision Research Gilles Laurent (post-doc)
Anne-Sophie HafnerSynaptic transmission, Plasticity, AMPAR complexes Synaptic Plasticity Erin M. Schuman (post-doc)
Gerald HahnNeuronal Avalanches, Visual System20062007 Danko Nikolic (research assistant)
Martha Nari HavenithVisual system, temporal coding, mouse behaviour, learning, attention2009 Danko Nikolic (grad student)
Silke HaverkampRetina Heinz Wässle (research scientist)
Liane HeinzeRetina Silke Haverkamp (grad student)
Moritz Helmstaedterconnectomics
Hiroshi T. Ito
Niansheng Juconnectomics, two-photon imaging Department of Connectomics2021 Moritz Helmstaedter (post-doc)
Hye-A KimSystem Neuroscience Memory and Navigation Circuits Group20172023 Hiroshi T. Ito (grad student)
Axel KohlerVisual system, fMRI, TMS20062009 Lars Muckli (grad student), Sarah Weigelt (collaborator), Wolf Singer (post-doc)
Gilles LaurentOlfaction
Hwan Sean LeeSystems Neuroscience
Hsing-Hsi LiSleep regulation
Paul R. MartinVisual system, Color vision, Retina, Subcortical visual system19891991 Heinz Wässle (post-doc)
Guido Meyer Heinrich Betz (grad student)
Emma L MorrisCircadian Neurobiology, Neuroscience, Chronobiology, Circadian System Neural Systems Gilles Laurent (post-doc)
Brigitte MüllerRetina, Photoreceptors, Bipolar cells, Ganglion cells
Marcus J. Naumermultisensory, sensorimotor, crossmodal integration, fMRI20012005 Rainer Goebel (research assistant), Lars Muckli (grad student), Wolf Singer (grad student)
Danko Nikolic Daniel S. Levine (grad student)
Hiroaki Norimotosleep, memory,2017 Gilles Laurent (post-doc)
Lorenz Pammer Gilles Laurent (grad student), Karel Svoboda (research assistant), Barry Dickson (research assistant)
Christian PullerRetina, Visual System Silke Haverkamp (grad student)
Vidhya Rangaraju
Frederic Roux Neurophysiology20072012 Peter Uhlhaas (grad student)
John M. Sarvey19771979 Manfred Klee (post-doc)
Zhongshu TangGlaucoma20012006 Heinrich Betz (grad student)
Maria Tosches Gilles Laurent (post-doc)
Hazem ToutounjiRecurrent Neural Networks, Plasticity, Reinforcement Learning, Mathematical Neuroscience20102010 Gordon Pipa (research assistant)
Peter Uhlhaas
Sarah Weigeltvisual system; fMRI; adaptation; development, autism20052008 Lars Muckli (grad student)
Shahaf Weiss Neural systems and coding Gilles Laurent (post-doc)
Joeri van Wijngaarden Memory and Navigation Circuits Group20162021 Hiroshi T. Ito (grad student)
Theodosia Woo
Shan YuNeural Network, Criticality, Complex Systems, Synchronization Danko Nikolic (post-doc)