UCLA, Brain Research Institute

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
John D. Frenchreticular formation
Gregory L. GedmanVocal imitation, behavior, genetics
Gregory L. GedmanGenetic mechanisms of vocal imitation
Shulamite Green Mirella Dapretto (grad student)
Adrienne Q. KashayNeuropsychiatry
Dorothy Kozlowski Neurosurgery19951997 David Hovda (post-doc)
Gokul Krishnabrain injury, neurotoxicity, neuroprotection
Jeffry B. Lansmancellular neurophysiology19781982 Susumu Hagiwara (grad student)
Tania Lugo Psychology2021 Gina R. Poe (grad student)
Bryan King MD
Marysol Montes de OcaClinical Neurophysiology, Memory, Epilepsy, Fast Ripples Richard J. Staba (grad student)
Ward PettiboneLearning and memory Integrative Biology and Physiology2019 Gina R. Poe (grad student)
Gina R. Poesleep, memory, depression, PTSD, spindles, theta, learning
Zeena M G Rivera Psychology Psychology2021 Alicia Izquierdo (grad student), Andrew M. Wikenheiser (grad student)
Madeleine Schlag-Reyocular motor control Donald Benjamin Lindsley (research scientist)
Troy SchmankeNeuroanatomy, brain and spinal cord injury, rehabilitation, education19951997 Jaime R. Villablanca (post-doc)
Wesley Charles SmithAddiction, Systems neuroscience, optogenetics Neurobiology20122018 Sotirios K. Masmanidis (grad student)
Amy H ThanSensory Processing, Neurodevelopment, Autism Spectrum Disorder, fMRI Neuroscience Neuroscience Neuroscience2021 Shulamite Green (grad student), Mirella Dapretto (grad student), Lucina Q. Uddin (grad student)
Michael A ThorntonOligodendrocytes, remyelination, OPCs Integrative Biology and Physiology20142016 Patricia E. Phelps (grad student)
Rosemarie W. TsoaNeuroscience Biology, Molecular Biology20092014 Yi Eve Sun (post-doc)
Charles L Wilsonepilepsy, sleep, memory, electrophysiology, hippocampus Psychology, Psychiatry, Anatomy19721977 Donald Benjamin Lindsley (post-doc)