James Rowland Angell | | | | 1892 | Hermann Ebbinghaus (grad student) |
Rudolf Arnheim | Gestalt Psychology, Art and Perception | | | 1928 | Wolfgang Köhler (grad student), Max Wertheimer (grad student) |
Hansjochem Autrum | Ethology | | | 1931 | Richard Hesse (grad student) |
Vladimir Mikhaylovich Bekhterev | | | | | Emil Heinrich du Bois-Reymond (post-doc) |
Martin Bernhardt | | | | | Rudolf Ludwig Karl Virchow (grad student), Ludwig Traube (grad student) |
Julius Bernstein | Nerve function | | | | Emil Heinrich du Bois-Reymond (grad student) |
Friedrich Heinrich Bidder | physiology | | | 1835 | Johannes Peter Müller (post-doc) |
Max Bielschowsky | | | | | Emanuel Mendel (post-doc), Ludwig Edinger (post-doc), Karl Weigert (post-doc), Oskar Vogt (research scientist) |
Theodor (Christian Albert Theodor) Billroth | surgery | | | 1852 | Ludwig Traube (grad student) |
Ernst Blasius | surgery | | | 1823 | Karl Asmund Rudolphi (grad student) |
August Boeckh | Eloquence and Classical Literature | | | | |
Hermann Bonitz | philology | | | 1836 | Karl Lachmann (research assistant), August Boeckh (research assistant) |
Ladislaus Bortkiewicz | Poisson distribution | | | | |
Antoni Brants | Politics and administration | | | 1826 | Martin Heinrich Karl Lichtenstein (research assistant) |
Korbinian Brodmann | Neuroanatomy, cytoarchitectonics | | | | Cécile Vogt-Mugnier (post-doc) |
Fritz Buchthal | | | | | Wilhelm Trendelenburg (grad student) |
Leonard Carmichael | Neuroethology, child psychology | | 1925 | 1926 | Wolfgang Köhler (post-doc) |
Franz Jakob Clemens | | | 1835 | 1839 | Friedrich Carl von Savigny (grad student), Leopold von Ranke (grad student), Carl Ritter (grad student), August Boeckh (grad student) |
Ferdinand Julius Cohn | Plant physiologist, bacteriologist | | 1846 | 1847 | Eilhard Mitscherlich (grad student) |
Julius Friedrich Cohnheim | neuropathology | | | 1861 | Rudolf Ludwig Karl Virchow (grad student) |
Heinrich Curschmann | internal medicine | | 1871 | 1875 | Ludwig Traube (post-doc) |
Siegfried Czapski | | | 1881 | 1884 | Hermann von Helmholtz (grad student), Gustav Robert Kirchhoff (grad student), Leopold Loewenherz (grad student), Wilhelm Julius Foerster (grad student), Leopold Kronecker (grad student), Eduard Zeller (grad student) |
Otto Friedrich Karl Deiters | | | | | Rudolf Ludwig Karl Virchow (grad student) |
Tamara Dembo | Rehabilitation | | 1921 | 1931 | Kurt Lewin (grad student) |
Emil Heinrich du Bois-Reymond | Nerve impulses | | 1838 | 1846 | Johannes Peter Müller (grad student), Karl Bogislav Reichert (grad student), Heinrich Wilhelm Dove (grad student), Heinrich Gustav Magnus (grad student) |
Karl Duncker | | | 1925 | 1936 | Wolfgang Köhler (grad student), Max Wertheimer (grad student) |
Benedykt Dybowski | Natural history | | 1857 | 1860 | Karl Bogislav Reichert (grad student) |
Hermann Ebbinghaus | | | | 1873 | Christoph Sigwart (post-doc), Otto Liebman (post-doc), Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg (research assistant) |
Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg | microorganisms | | | 1818 | Karl Asmund Rudolphi (research assistant), Heinrich Friedrich Link (grad student) |
Benno Erdmann | Philosophy | | | 1873 | Eduard Zeller (research assistant), Hermann Bonitz (grad student) |
Ulf Eysel | | | | | Otto-Joachim Grüsser (post-doc) |
Lipót (Leopold) Fejér | | | 1899 | 1900 | Edmund Landau (grad student) |
Wilhelm Feldberg | Neuropharmacology | | 1927 | 1933 | Wilhelm Trendelenburg (research scientist) |
Immanuel Hermann Fichte | | | | | |
Eugen Franz Leopold Fischer | | | | | |
Edward Flatau | | | | | Emanuel Mendel (post-doc), Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfried von Waldeyer-Hartz (post-doc), Ernst Viktor von Leyden (post-doc), Alfred Goldscheider (research scientist) |
Werner Forßmann | | | | 1929 | Georg Klemperer (grad student), Georg Klemperer (grad student) |
Albert Fraenkel | internal medicine | | | | Ludwig Traube (research scientist) |
Gustav Theodor Fritsch | Anatomy, anthropology, physiology | | | | |
Max Carl Anton Fürbringer | anatomy | | | 1870 | Wilhelm Carl Hartwig Peters (grad student) |
Adhémar Gelb | | | | 1910 | Alois Adolf Riehl (grad student) |
Karl Adolf Christian Jakob Gerhardt | | | | | |
Alfred Goldscheider | | | | | Emil Heinrich du Bois-Reymond (post-doc) |
Kurt Gottschaldt | | | | | |
Ernst Heinrich Haeckel | Comparative Anatomy | | | 1857 | Johannes Peter Müller (grad student) |
Hidde Justusz. Halbertsma | anatomy | | | 1847 | Friedrich Schlemm (post-doc) |
Hans Hass | | | | | Heinrich Jacob Feuerborn (Jacobfeuerborn) (grad student) |
Rudolf Heidenhain | Physiology | | | 1854 | Emil Heinrich du Bois-Reymond (grad student) |
Carl Hempel | Philosophy | | | 1934 | Wolfgang Köhler (grad student), Nicolai Hartmann (grad student) |
Victor Hensen | physiology, marine biology | | | | Johannes Peter Müller (research assistant) |
Oscar Hertwig | Development | | | | |
Richard Hesse | | | | | |
Wilhelm His | Histology | | | | Robert Remak (research assistant), Johannes Peter Müller (research assistant) |
Wilhelm His, Jr. | Cardiology, cardiac physiology | | | | |
Eduard Hitzig | Neurology, neuropsychiatry, localization | | | 1862 | Rudolf Ludwig Karl Virchow (grad student), Emil Heinrich du Bois-Reymond (research assistant) |
Ernst Felix Immanuel Hoppe-Seyler | | | 1856 | 1860 | Rudolf Ludwig Karl Virchow (research scientist), Johannes Peter Müller (grad student) |
Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland | Macrobiotics | | | | |
Louis Jacobsohn-Lask | | | | | Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfried von Waldeyer-Hartz (grad student), Rudolf Ludwig Karl Virchow (grad student), Emil Heinrich du Bois-Reymond (grad student), Ernst Viktor von Leyden (grad student), Emanuel Mendel (post-doc) |
Karl Ludwig Kahlbaum | psychiatry | | | 1854 | Johann Heinrich Meckel von Hemsbach (grad student) |
Kurt Koffka | | | | 1908 | Carl Stumpf (grad student) |
Wolfgang Köhler | Perception | Berlin School of Experimental Psychology | 1907 | 1909 | Carl Stumpf (grad student), Max Planck (research assistant), Walther Nernst (research assistant) |
Fritz König | | | | | Ernst von Bergmann (grad student) |
Albrecht Kossel | | | | | |
Fedor Krause | neurology | | | | |
Otto Krayer | Autonomic nervous system | | 1927 | 1931 | Paul Trendelenburg (research scientist) |
Peter David Krukenberg | Pathology | | 1811 | 1813 | Johann Christian Reil (post-doc) |
Karl Lachmann | classics, philology | | | 1816 | August Boeckh (post-doc) |
Giuseppe Levi | histology | | | | Oscar Hertwig (post-doc) |
Kurt Lewin | Social psychology, Group dynamics | | | 1921 | Carl Stumpf (grad student), Wolfgang Köhler (research scientist), Max Wertheimer (research scientist) |
Martin Heinrich Karl Lichtenstein | Zoology | | | | |
Nathanael Lieberkühn | Anatomy | | | 1849 | Johannes Peter Müller (grad student) |
Moritz Litten | | | | | |
Leopold Loewenherz | | | | 1870 | Wilhelm Julius Foerster (grad student), Johann Christian Poggendorff (grad student), Karl Weierstrass (grad student) |
Otto Richard Lummer | | | | 1884 | Hermann von Helmholtz (grad student) |
Gerd Malthaup | http://www.researchprofiles.collexis.com/jad/expert.asp?u_id=54 | | | | |
Johann Friedrich Meckel, the Elder | | | | | |
Georg Meißner | microanatomy, physiology | | | | Johannes Peter Müller (post-doc) |
Emanuel Mendel | | | | | |
Wolfgang Metzger | | | | 1926 | Max Wertheimer (grad student) |
Ludwig Meyer | psychiatry | | | | Johannes Peter Müller (research assistant) |
Max Frederick Meyer | Behaviorism, Audition | | | | Hermann Ebbinghaus (grad student) |
Leonor Michaelis | oxidation-reduction processes | | | 1897 | Oscar Hertwig (grad student) |
Lazar Salomowitch Minor | | | | | Emanuel Mendel (post-doc) |
Alexander (secundus) Monro | | | 1757 | 1759 | Johann Friedrich Meckel, the Elder (grad student) |
Johannes Peter Müller | Physiology | | 1822 | 1824 | Karl Asmund Rudolphi (post-doc) |
August Müller | anatomy | | | 1836 | Arend Friedrich August Wiegmann (grad student) |
Hermann Munk | cortical localization | | | 1859 | Emil Heinrich du Bois-Reymond (grad student) |
Hugo Münsterberg | Psychology | | | | |
Robert Musil | | | | 1908 | Alois Adolf Riehl (grad student) |
Otto Neurath | Philosophy of Science, Economics, Sociology | | | | |
Hermann Nothnagel | Internal medicine | | | 1863 | Ludwig Traube (grad student) |
Peter Ludvig Panum | epidemiology and physiology | | | 1847 | Rudolf Ludwig Karl Virchow (research assistant) |
Wilhelm Carl Hartwig Peters | zoology | | | 1838 | Johannes Peter Müller (grad student) |
Karl Bogislav Reichert | anatomy | | | 1836 | Johannes Peter Müller (grad student) |
Robert Remak | Embryology, neurology, physiology | | 1933 | 1938 | Johannes Peter Müller (grad student), Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg (grad student), Johann Lukas Schönlein (post-doc) |
Maria Rickers-Ovsiankina | | | 1920 | 1924 | Kurt Lewin (grad student) |
Alois Adolf Riehl | | | | | |
Carl Ritter | | | | | |
Karl Ritter | | | | | |
Samuel Sigmund Rosenstein | | | | 1855 | Rudolf Ludwig Karl Virchow (grad student) |
Karl Asmund Rudolphi | Anatomy | | | | |
Carl Runge | applied mathematics | | | 1880 | Karl Weierstrass (grad student) |
Alice Salomon | | Philosophy | | 1906 | Alois Adolf Riehl (grad student) |
Alfred Schittenhelm | | | 1903 | 1904 | Hermann (Emil) Louis Fischer (post-doc) |
Friedrich Schlemm | Anatomy | | | 1821 | Karl Asmund Rudolphi (grad student) |
Arnold Schoch | acoustics, experimental nuclear physics | Heinrich-Hertz-Institut für Schwingungsforschung | | 1937 | Erwin Meyer (grad student) |
Johann Lukas Schönlein | pathology, therapeutics | | | | |
Walter Hans Schottky | Semiconductor physics, Electronics | | | 1912 | Max Planck (grad student) |
Max Johann Sigismund Schultze | | | 1845 | 1846 | Johannes Peter Müller (research assistant) |
Karl Ernst Theodor Schweigger | Ophthalmology | | | | |
Ivan Mikhaylovich Sechenov | Physiology | | | | Emil Heinrich du Bois-Reymond (research assistant), Hermann von Helmholtz (research assistant) |
Charles Scott Sherrington | Neurophysiology, spinal reflexes | | | 1887 | Rudolf Ludwig Karl Virchow (post-doc), Robert Koch (post-doc) |
Oswald Spengler | | Philosophy | | | Alois Adolf Riehl (grad student) |
William Lewis Stern | Personality, Intelligence | | | 1893 | Hermann Ebbinghaus (grad student) |
Carl Stumpf | Experimental psychology | | | | |
Ludwig Traube | experimental pathology | | | 1840 | Johannes Peter Müller (grad student) |
Wilhelm Trendelenburg | | | | | |
Paul Trendelenburg | Autonomic nervous system | | | | |
Franz Hermann Troschel | Malacology, ichthyology, herpetology | Zoological Museum | 1840 | 1844 | Martin Heinrich Karl Lichtenstein (grad student) |
Otto van Lauenstein | Gestalt; Successive Comparison | | | | |
Karl von Vierordt | Time perception | Medicine Physiology | 1839 | 1840 | Johann Lukas Schönlein (grad student), Johannes Peter Müller (grad student) |
Rudolf Ludwig Karl Virchow | Pathology | | 1839 | 1843 | Johannes Peter Müller (grad student) |
Marguerite Vogt | Virology | | | | |
Heinrich Adolf von Bardeleben | antiseptic wound treatment | | | 1841 | Theodor von Bischoff (grad student) |
Albert von Bezold | physiology | | 1857 | 1859 | Emil Heinrich du Bois-Reymond (research assistant) |
Ernst Wilhelm von Brücke | Physiology | | | 1847 | Johannes Peter Müller (grad student) |
Albrecht von Graefe | Ophthalmology | | | 1847 | Johannes Peter Müller (grad student), Johann Lukas Schönlein (research assistant), Rudolf Ludwig Karl Virchow (research assistant) |
Hermann von Helmholtz | Psychophysics | | | 1842 | Johannes Peter Müller (grad student) |
Albert von Kölliker | Comparative anatomy, embryology | | | 1841 | Johannes Peter Müller (research assistant) |
Johannes von Kries | Physiology | | 1876 | 1877 | Hermann von Helmholtz (post-doc) |
Karl Wilhelm von Kupffer | histology, anatomy, embryology | | 1856 | 1857 | Emil Heinrich du Bois-Reymond (research scientist), Johannes Peter Müller (research scientist) |
Bernhard von Langenbeck | surgery | | | | |
Hans Carl Friedrich von Mangold | | | | | Ernst Eduard Kummer (grad student) |
Carl Harko von Noorden | diabetics | | 1887 | 1893 | Karl Adolf Christian Jakob Gerhardt (research scientist) |
Hedwig von Restorff | | | | | |
Richard von Volkmann | surgery | | | 1854 | Bernhard von Langenbeck (grad student), Ludwig Traube (research assistant) |
Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfried von Waldeyer-Hartz | neuroanatomy | | | 1861 | Karl Bogislav Reichert (grad student) |
Karl Ernst Albrecht Wagner | surgery | | 1850 | 1853 | Johannes Peter Müller (grad student), Bernhard von Langenbeck (post-doc) |
Hans Wallach | | | 1926 | 1927 | Wolfgang Köhler (research assistant) |
Victor Frederick Weisskopf | | | | 1932 | Erwin Schrödinger (post-doc) |
Max Wertheimer | Perception | | 1900 | 1903 | Carl Stumpf (research assistant) |
Karl Friedrich Otto Westphal | Neuropathology, psychiatry | | | 1855 | Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig (grad student) |
Arend Friedrich August Wiegmann | Herpetology | | | 1826 | Martin Heinrich Karl Lichtenstein (grad student) |
Eugene Paul Wigner | | | 1921 | 1925 | Albert Einstein (research assistant), Walther Nernst (research assistant), Max Planck (research assistant), Max von Laue (research assistant) |
Wilhelm Wundt | Experimental psychology, social psychology | | | 1856 | Johannes Peter Müller (post-doc) |
Eduard Zeller | | | | | |
Theodor Ziehen | Neurology, psychiatry, psychology and philosophy | | | 1885 | Hermann Munk (grad student) |