Case Western Reserve University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Atheir I. AbbasNeural Circuits20042009 Bryan L. Roth (grad student)
Ana Maria AcostaMotor Control, Movement & Rehabilitation, Neurobiology of Disease2002 Robert F. Kirsch (grad student)
Kelly M. AddisHuman Memory Grover Cleveland Gilmore (research assistant)
Dimitris P. AgamanolisNeuropathology19681972 Betty Q. Banker (post-doc), Maurice Victor (post-doc)
Manmeet Singh AhluwaliaNeuro-Oncology, Brain Metastasis, Glioblastoma, Clinical trials
Toshiro Aigaki Mark Anthony Smith (research scientist)
Harish AiyarApplied Neural Control2000 J Thomas Mortimer (grad student)
Kleio Akrivoupersonality, motivation2008 Richard E. Boyatzis (grad student)
Yakup Aliciguzel Mark Anthony Smith (research scientist)
Gjumrakch AlievAlzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis, cancer, antioxidant treatment19981999 George Perry (post-doc)
Kofi Amankwah2004 Ronald J. Triolo (grad student)
Priscilla Ambrosi Biology20122012 Hillel Chiel (research assistant)
Bostjan AntoncicManagement Business Administration2000 Robert D. Hisrich (grad student)
Carla Renae Arlien2004 Grover Cleveland Gilmore (grad student)
Richard A. Arlow Cameron C. McIntyre (grad student)
Craig S. AtwoodAlzheimer disease and Aging George Perry (research scientist), Mark Anthony Smith (collaborator)
Lucila Autilio-GambettiAlzheimer disease Pierluigi C. Gambetti (collaborator)
Barbara Bacci Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Allison Baier Norah Feeny (grad student)
Bonnie A Baird Biology20112018 Kristen E Lukas (grad student)
Vladan P. Bajic20072007 Mark Anthony Smith (research scientist)
Justin J. BakerNeural Engineering Bradley Greger (grad student)
Sherry L. BallVisual system
Ramani BaluSynaptic Physiology, Olfaction Ben W. Strowbridge (grad student)
Gregorio L. BanagaManagement Business Administration, Theology, General2000 David A. Kolb (grad student)
Michael B. Banutu-GomezManagement Business Administration, Public Administration2001 Donald Wolfe (grad student)
Ilma D. BarrosManagement Business Administration, Philosophy of Education, Industrial Psychology2002 David A. Kolb (grad student)
Martin L. Baschdevelopment
Roy F. Baumeisteremotion, social neuroscience, sexuality
Donald Becker
Michelle A. BeidelschiesPhysiology, Neuroscience, Cell Biophysics, Exocytosis, Endocytosis, Stress Response2009 Corey B. Smith (grad student)
John Benderneuroethology2007 Roy Ritzmann (post-doc)
Paul Bergmolecular biology of disease1952 Harland G. Wood (grad student)
Nathan A. Berger
David Bertsch2021 Mark A. Frye (post-doc)
Sinem Beylergilperception, decision making, Parkinson's disease, neuromodulation20172020 Cameron C. McIntyre (post-doc), Aasef G. Shaikh (post-doc)
Narendra Bhadra Biomedical Engineering19912000 J Thomas Mortimer (grad student)
Niloy BhadraBiomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology2005 Kevin L. Kilgore (grad student)
Laura A. BiebelhausenSocial Work, Developmental Psychology2006 Mark Singer (grad student)
Marom Bikson19952001 Dominique Durand (grad student)
Glenda M. Bishopiron, zinc, oxidative stress, Alzheimer's disease20022003 Craig S. Atwood (post-doc), Mark Anthony Smith (post-doc)
Alberto Bizzi Pierluigi C. Gambetti (grad student)
Mark M. BlackNeuronal cytoskeleton1977 Raymond J. Lasek (grad student)
Dimitra BlanaFunctional electrical stimulation, musculoskeletal modeling2008 Robert F. Kirsch (grad student)
Martin Blumenfeld Howard Schneiderman (grad student)
Adam Boger
Joseph Wilder Boggs2005 Warren Grill (grad student)
David Bonda20062010 Mark Anthony Smith (research assistant)
Mathew Bonner Biomedical Engineering19871991 J Thomas Mortimer (grad student)
Kristin L. BorreggineMotor Systems, Deep Brain Stimulation, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Movement Disorders otis m. donald (collaborator), otis m. donald (grad student)
Christian M. BoseCerebellum, growth factors, synaptogenesis20002002 Lynn T. Landmesser (post-doc)
Richard E. Boyatzispersonality, motivation
Scott T. Brady19781981 Raymond J. Lasek (post-doc)
Heidi M. Braunschweig2004 Lee Thompson (grad student)
Roger W. Brockettrobotics1964 Mihajlo Mesarovic (grad student)
Heather T. BroihierNeuroscience Biology
Tim M. BrunsNeuroprostheses, Bladder dysfunction, Functional electrical stimulation, Sensory neural interfaces20052009 Kenneth J. Gustafson (grad student), Narendra Bhadra (collaborator)
Kathryn J. Bryan20072008 Mark Anthony Smith (research scientist)
Branko BucarManagement Business Administration2004 Robert D. Hisrich (grad student)
Thomas C. Bulea Biomedical Engineering2012 Ronald J. Triolo (grad student)
Erika S. BurgessClinical Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Public Health2002 Dennis Drotar (grad student)
Luke A.D. Bury Shasta L. Sabo (grad student)
Sarah Ann Busch2009 Jerry Silver (grad student)
Zeeshan A. ButtSchizophrenia; dementias2006 Milton Strauss (grad student)
Dan Xiaodan CaiBrain Tumors Steven G. Younkin (grad student)
Ignazio Cali Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Alan CalvittiComputational neuroscience2004 Randall D. Beer (grad student)
Sergio Cammarata Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Sabina Capellari Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Tom Carey Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Gemma CasadesusNeuroscience20032006 George Perry (post-doc), James A. Joseph (grad student), Mark Anthony Smith (collaborator)
Adam CashAlzheimer disease George Perry (grad student)
Rudolph J. CastellaniNeuropathology19941995 George Perry (post-doc), Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc), Mark Anthony Smith (collaborator)
Sudha Chakrapani
Shyue-An Chan Corey B. Smith (post-doc)
Pranab ChatterjeeSocial Work, Individual and Family Studies, Criminology and Penology, Clinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Behavioral Psychology
Ashutosh Chaturvedi Biomedical Engineering2012 Cameron C. McIntyre (grad student)
Shu G. Chen Pierluigi C. Gambetti (collaborator), George Perry (collaborator), Mark Anthony Smith (collaborator)
Meng ChenStriatal physiology and plasticity
Yuanyuan Chenretinal degeneration, rhodopsin folding and signaling Pharmacology Biochemistry20112017 Krzysztof Palczewski (post-doc), Paul R. Carey (grad student)
Neil Stanley Cherniack
John D. ChesireSocial Work, Individual and Family Studies, Criminology and Penology, Clinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Behavioral Psychology2001 Pranab Chatterjee (grad student)
Cynthia A. ChestekBrain machine interface20032005 Hillel Chiel (grad student)
Hillel Chiel Randall D. Beer (collaborator)
Matthew J. ChioccoGenetics, Pathology2005 Bruce T. Lamb (grad student)
Heewon Choi Pathology20152016 Xinglong Wang (research assistant)
Weng T. Chooi2011 Lee Thompson (grad student)
Breanne Christie
Colin M. ClayEndocrinology, GnRH Receptor John H. Nilson (grad student)
Percy W. Cobb1905 John James Rickard MacLeod (research assistant)
Elizabeth J. CochranNeuropathology Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Mark L. CohenNeuropathology Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc), Steven G. Younkin (post-doc)
Elizabeth M. CokerCultural Anthropology, Mental Health, Social Psychology2001 Atwood D. Gaines (grad student)
Monroe ColeNeurology
Monica Colucci Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Thomas A. ConklinManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2001 Donald Wolfe (grad student)
Frances A. ConnersDevelopmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology Psychology1987 Douglas K. Detterman (grad student)
Margaret C. CooneyCultural Anthropology, Women's Studies2002 Atwood D. Gaines (grad student)
Mark D. CooperbergClinical Psychology2004 Eric A. Youngstrom (grad student)
Andrew S. Cornwellfunctional electrical stimulation, brain computer interfaces, brain machine interfaces Biomedical Engineering20022010 Robert F. Kirsch (grad student)
Sonia C. CorreiaAlzheimer disease and Diabetes20102010 Mark Anthony Smith (grad student)
Monica Cortelli Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Alice Coyne Michael J. Constantino (grad student)
Patrick E. Crago Biomedical Engineering19691973 James C. Houk (post-doc), J Thomas Mortimer (grad student)
Paige E. CramerNeuroscience Biology, Pathology Neurosciences2012 Gary Landreth (grad student)
Patrick Crasdementia, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, cerebrospinal fluid, movement disorders and the neuropathology of neurodegenerative diseases19891991 George Perry (post-doc)
Christopher A. CullisNeurobiology Biology
David A. Cunningham Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation20172020 Jayme S. Knutson (post-doc)
Amy S. D'AprixSocial Work2005 Mark Singer (grad student)
Carla K. DanielsonClinical Psychology2003 Eric A. Youngstrom (grad student)
Vallabh E. DasOculomotor Research R John Leigh (grad student)
Stephen J. A. DaviesTraumatically injured adult central nervous system Jerry Silver (post-doc)
Timothy M. DeJongClinical Psychology2007 James Overholser (grad student)
Heath A. Demaree19931998 David W. Harrison (grad student)
Evan DenerisSerotonin system
Marc Depaul Jerry Silver (grad student)
Douglas K. DettermanExperimental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Music Education
Hendrik Adriaan Dewaldstroke, prosthetic control, EMG, nerve block, ultrasound Biomedical Engineering20152023 Robert F. Kirsch (grad student)
David A. DeWittAlzheimer's disease, neurotransport19911996 George Perry (grad student)
Pier Luigi Di Patre Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Thomas E. Dick
Julia M. DiFilippoClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Social Psychology2000 James Overholser (grad student)
Christopher DiMattinaVision Science, Computational Neuroscience Michael S. Lewicki (post-doc)
Eizaburo DoiComputation & Theory20122014 Michael S. Lewicki (research scientist)
David Dolinak Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
otis m. donaldMotor Systems, Deep Brain Stimulation, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Movement Disorders Kristin L. Borreggine (grad student)
Merlin W. DonaldCognitive neuroscience
Dennis DrotarClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Occupational Health and Safety
Xi DuNeuroscience, Epilepsy, Neurogenesis Physiology20082010 Isabelle Deschenes (research assistant)
Dominique DurandNeural Engineering
Anirban Duttaneuromodulation, rehabilitation engineering, neural engineering20042008 Ronald J. Triolo (grad student)
Julie ExlineClinical Psychology
Joseph FaganClinical Psychology
Felicia J. FagoPublic Health, Theory and Methods Social Welfare2012 Victor K. Groza (grad student)
Mary FambroughCounseling Psychology2000 David A. Kolb (grad student)
Zi-Ping Fang Biomedical Engineering19831988 J Thomas Mortimer (grad student)
Robert L. FantzVisual Development of Children, Primates and Chicks
AmirAli FarokhniaeePhysics, Computational Neuroscience, Deep Brain Stimulation, Neural Networks, Complex Systems Biomedical Engineering20162018 Cameron C. McIntyre (post-doc)
Norah Feeny
Barbara Felton1975 Eva Kahana (grad student)
Sergo Ferrari Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Chris FietkiewiczNeural control of breathing, computational neuroscience Christopher Glenn Wilson (grad student)
Lee E. FisherNeural Engineering, Neuroprosthetics, Somatosensory Function Biomedical Engineering2012 Ronald J. Triolo (grad student)
Mickie L. FisherClinical Psychology2007 Julie Exline (grad student)
David Fleming
Stephen FoldesNeuroimaging, neurorehabilitation Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering20042011 Robert F. Kirsch (grad student), Dawn M. Taylor (grad student)
Joseph M. Foley
Thomas J. Foutz Cameron C. McIntyre (grad student)
Stephanie R. FoxSerotonin system Neurosciences2012 Evan Deneris (grad student)
Manfred FrankeNeural Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Nerve Block20092014 Kevin L. Kilgore (grad student), Dominique Durand (grad student), Jesse S. Wainright (grad student), Narendra Bhadra (grad student), Niloy Bhadra (grad student), Kenneth J. Gustafson (grad student), J Thomas Mortimer (collaborator), Adam Boger (collaborator), Jamie McCoin (collaborator), Tim M. Bruns (collaborator)
Anneke M. Frankemolle Cameron C. McIntyre (grad student)
Thomas William Frazier2004 Milton Strauss (grad student)
Donald K. FreedheimPsychotherapy, Developmental Psychopathology, Clinical Training
Larry Frelinger
M. C. FreyCognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology2006 Douglas K. Detterman (grad student)
William H. Frey IIintranasal delivery, intranasal insulin, intranasal deferroxamine, intranasal stem cells Alzheimer's Parkinson's Stroke TBI PTSD concussion Merton Franklin Utter (grad student)
Reinhard L. FriedeDevelopmental Neuropathology
Avi FriedlichAlzheimer disease19971999 George Perry (grad student), Mark Anthony Smith (grad student)
David FrielCalcium Regulation Stephen W. Jones (collaborator), Hillel Chiel (collaborator)
Colleen FriendSocial Work, Public and Social Welfare, Adult and Continuing Education2004 Victor K. Groza (grad student)
Michael J. Fu Electrical Engineering and Computer Science20122016 Jayme S. Knutson (post-doc)
Hisashi Fujioka Mark Anthony Smith (collaborator)
Grace A Fuller Biology20042013 Kristen E Lukas (grad student)
Tiberiu Fulop Corey B. Smith (post-doc)
Lynne T. GabrielCognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology2000 Douglas K. Detterman (grad student)
Marie A. Gadziola
Atwood D. GainesCultural Anthropology, Mental Health, Social Psychology
Pamela G. Galloway19861988 George Perry (post-doc), Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Pierluigi C. GambettiNeuropathology, prion, Alzheimer disease
Yuan GaoOlfactory bulb20052009 Ben W. Strowbridge (grad student)
Ju Gao
Ju Gao2015 Xinglong Wang (post-doc)
Judy A. GarnerAxonal Transport, Herpes Simplex Virus1979 Raymond J. Lasek (grad student)
Ovidiu GavriloviciEducational Psychology Education, Guidance and Counseling Education, Clinical Psychology, Social Work2004 Mark Singer (grad student)
Herbert M. GellerDevelopment, Regeneration, Glial Biology, Astrocytes, Extracellular Matrix David Fleming (grad student)
Grover Cleveland GilmoreVisual Perception
Wallace GingerichSocial Work, Clinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology, Rehabilitation and Therapy
Joseph P. Giuffrida2004 Patrick E. Crago (grad student)
Todd GoldeAlzheimer's disease Steven G. Younkin (grad student)
Neil Austin GoldsmithPhysiology, Biophysics, Stress, Exocytosis20122015 Corey B. Smith (grad student)
Dana F. GoldsteinClinical Psychology2000 Joseph Fagan (grad student)
Darren J. Goodpersonality, motivation2009 Richard E. Boyatzis (grad student)
Suhasini R. GopalOtolaryngology
Kristen W. GreenClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology2005 Eric A. Youngstrom (grad student)
Adam S. GreenbergCognitive Neuroscience, Visual/Auditory Attention, Perceptual Organization19951996 Grover Cleveland Gilmore (research assistant)
Warren GrillEngineering J Thomas Mortimer (grad student)
Victor K. GrozaSocial Work, Clinical Psychology
Kabilar Gunalan Cameron C. McIntyre (grad student)
Ozenc Gungor Physics2015 Glenn D. Starkman (grad student)
Palak GuptaEye traking, Visual Systems, Deep brain stimulation, Computational modeling Aasef G. Shaikh (grad student)
Kasia Gustaw-Rothenberg20062007 Mark Anthony Smith (research scientist)
Davina V. Gutierrezsynapse, ion channel, circuitry Neurosciences2011 Stefan Herlitze (grad student)
Philip J. Hahn
Yanning H. HanOculomotor Research2005 R John Leigh (grad student)
Micah Harland Pathology20172020 Xinglong Wang (grad student)
Cynthia HarleyNeuroethology Roy Ritzmann (grad student)
Peggy L. R. HarrisAlzheimer disease19952010 George Perry (research assistant), Mark Anthony Smith (grad student), Mark Anthony Smith (research assistant)
Chantelle N. HartClinical Psychology, Education, Medicine and Surgery2004 Dennis Drotar (grad student)
Alicia L. HawthorneNeuroscience, Spinal cord injury20032011 Jerry Silver (grad student)
Todd F. HeathertonSocial Neuroscience19891990 Roy F. Baumeister (post-doc)
Suzana Herculano-HouzelComparative neuroanatomy, brain evolution19921995 Story C. Landis (grad student)
Stefan Herlitzesynapse, ion channel, circuitry Bert Sakmann (grad student), William A. Catterall (post-doc)
John Hermann Biomedical Engineering2012 Jeffrey R. Capadona (grad student)
Amanda E. Hernanepilepsy, neurodevelopment, slice electrophysiology20052007 Elizabeth A. Pehek (research assistant)
Fred Herzberg
Jacqueline Hill Corey B. Smith (grad student)
Keisuke HiraiNeurodegenerative diseases19971998 George Perry (post-doc), Mark Anthony Smith (post-doc)
Robert D. HisrichManagement Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology
Godwin HlatshwayoManagement Business Administration, Social Structure and Development, International Law and Relations2001 Donald Wolfe (grad student)
Ayala Hochman19982000 Mark Anthony Smith (research scientist)
Elena Hoellein Biology2011 Mark Willis (grad student)
Paul L. Hoffman19691974 Raymond J. Lasek (grad student)
Kazuhiro HondaNeuropathology, Chemistry/Pharmacology, Molecular and Cell biology, Oxidative Stress 20032005 George Perry (post-doc), Mark Anthony Smith (collaborator)
Christopher vanden Honert Biomedical Engineering19751979 J Thomas Mortimer (grad student)
Kevin Paul Horn2009 Jerry Silver (grad student)
Anita R. Howardpersonality, motivation2009 Richard E. Boyatzis (grad student)
Kai-Hsiung HsuNeural Engineering2000 Dominique Durand (grad student)
Eric M. Hudakplatinum electrodes, neural stimulation, electrochemistry, cochlear implants Chemical Engineering Biomedical Engineering20052011 Heidi B. Martin (grad student), J Thomas Mortimer (grad student)
Guy K. HuttEducational Psychology Education, Mathematics Education, Developmental Psychology2007 David A. Kolb (grad student)
Yoshikazu ImanishiVision Research, GPCR, membrane protein transport, membrane morphogenesis
Anthony I. Jack Psychology20022007 Maurizio Corbetta (grad student)
Clement J. JacobsonCultural Anthropology, Cognitive Psychology2001 Atwood D. Gaines (grad student)
Rachel S Jakes
Yinfei Jiang Pathology20162018 Xinglong Wang (grad student)
Zheng Jiang Pathology20152015 Xinglong Wang (post-doc)
Sirui Jiang Patholgy20142018 Xinglong Wang (grad student), Xiongwei Zhu (grad student)
Jeffrey D. JohnsonMemory and functional neuroimaging Tim Curran (research assistant)
Erin McMullen M. Jonaitismusic cognition19992001 Eric A. Youngstrom (research assistant)
Stephen W. JonesVoltage gated channels
James E. Juergensen20102014 Heath A. Demaree (grad student)
Claudy JulesIndustrial Psychology, Social Psychology, Management Business Administration2007 David A. Kolb (grad student)
Ranu Jungadaptive neural systems19851991 Peter G. Katona (grad student)
Michael Jacob KahanaCognitive neuroscience, human memory19881990 Robert L. Greene (research assistant)
Shoshana Y. KahanaClinical Psychology2006 Eric A. Youngstrom (grad student)
Paul J. KammermeierIon channel modulation, GPCR signaling Stephen W. Jones (grad student)
Ksenia V. Kastanenkaneural development, transmission, plasticity Neurosciences2011 Lynn T. Landmesser (grad student)
Nicholas D. Kathman Roy Ritzmann (grad student)
Louis N. KatzCardiovascular physiology19181923 Carl J. Wiggers (grad student)
Mitsuru Kawai George Perry (post-doc)
Damian C. KayesManagement Business Administration, Adult and Continuing Education, Educational Psychology Education2001 David A. Kolb (grad student)
Ya Ke20022004 Mark Anthony Smith (grad student), George Perry (grad student)
Teresa R. KeeParkinson's disease, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, CHCHD2, Beta Arrestin, GPCRs Pathology2019 Jung A Woo (grad student)
Amber E. Kerstetter-Fogle2009 Robert H. Miller (grad student)
Masud S. Khawajapersonality, motivation Organizational Behavior2011 Richard E. Boyatzis (grad student)
Kevin L. KilgoreBiomedical Engineering, Neuroscience Biology
Hyoun-Tae KimPathology19992000 George Perry (research scientist)
Robert F. KirschFunctional electrical stimulation, musculoskeletal modeling
Reiko KishidaManagement Business Administration2005 Robert D. Hisrich (grad student)
Jayme S. Knutsonrehabilitation engineering2004 P. Hunter Peckham (grad student)
David A. KolbManagement Business Administration, Adult and Continuing Education, Educational Psychology Education
Alice Y. KolbManagement Business Administration, Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education2000 Donald Wolfe (grad student)
Yutaro Komuro Neurosciences20092015 Bruce T. Lamb (grad student)
Qingzhong Kong Pierluigi C. Gambetti (collaborator)
Hea-soo KooNeuropathology19871987 George Perry (post-doc), Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Anne Kotynski Psychological Sciences20142019 Heath A. Demaree (grad student)
Dmitri E. KourennyiIon Channel Biophysics
Dora Kovacsmolecular events underlying neurodegeneration in aging, and particularly in Alzheimer’s disease Pierluigi C. Gambetti (grad student)
Katherine C. KruegerSerotonin system2009 Evan Deneris (grad student)
Wataru Kudo2008 Mark Anthony Smith (grad student), George Perry (grad student)
Sahana N. Kukkechildhood movement disorders, neurophysiology, rehabilitation19992003 Ronald J. Triolo (grad student)
Arun KumarOculomotor Research2005 R John Leigh (grad student)
Doe KumsaChemical Engineering Chemical Engineering2012 Daniel Scherson (grad student)
Diana L. KunzeNTS, solitary tract nucleus, vagal afferents, autonomic19902008 Michael C. Andresen (collaborator)
Barbara Kuri Corey B. Smith (grad student)
Shekar Kurpad
Mitchell M. LaknerAlzheimers
Joseph C. LaMannaProtein Structures and Interaction Dynamics in Neuronal Cell Signaling George Perry (collaborator), Mark Anthony Smith (collaborator)
Bruce T. LambAlzheimer's disease, traumatic brain injury, neurodegeneration, animal models, drug discovery
Lynn T. Landmesserneural development, transmission, plasticity
Gary LandrethNeuroscience Biology
Phil LarimerHippocampal circuitry20052009 Ben W. Strowbridge (grad student)
Raymond J. LasekAxonal transport, neuronal cytoskeleton
Richard T. Lauerrehabilitation engineering2001 P. Hunter Peckham (grad student)
Kristianna M Lea
Hyoung-gon LeeAlzheimer disease20042007 Mark Anthony Smith (grad student), Mark Anthony Smith (post-doc)
General LeeComputational neuroscience, systems neuroscience, motor control, traumatic brain injury Dustin J. Tyler (research assistant)
Gregory S. LeeRobotics
Dongchul C. Lee2004 Warren Grill (grad student)
Michelle M. LeeSchizophrenia; dementias2002 Milton Strauss (grad student)
Austin Leeds Biology20122019 Kristen E Lukas (grad student)
Joel LefkowitzGeneral Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology19611965 Fred Herzberg (grad student)
R John LeighOculomotor Research
Michel A. Lemay Patrick E. Crago (grad student)
Jessica K. LerchNeuroscience Neuroscience20012008 Evan Deneris (grad student)
Zeng LertmanoratNeural Engineering2004 Dominique Durand (grad student)
Elena Hoellein Less Biology20052011 Kristen E Lukas (grad student)
Daniel K. LeventhalNeural Engineering2004 Dominique Durand (grad student)
Rachel B. LeviClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Occupational Health and Safety2001 Dennis Drotar (grad student)
Michael S. LewickiComputation & Theory
Aaron LewisLaser spectroscopy1970 Eugene Leonard Pace (grad student)
Xiang Lisynapse, ion channel, neuronal network formation20032007 Stefan Herlitze (grad student)
Li Li Pathology20122013 Xinglong Wang (research scientist)
Zhineng LiManagement Business Administration, Cognitive Psychology2004 Robert D. Hisrich (grad student)
Li Li.20122013 Xiongwei Zhu (research scientist)
Jun LianNeural Engineering2002 Dominique Durand (grad student)
Jingjing Liang Pathology2012 Qingzhong Kong (grad student)
Rock Lim Psychological Sciences2019 Heath A. Demaree (grad student)
Tony LinghamManagement Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2004 David A. Kolb (grad student)
Xiaodong LIUCellular Channels19992005 Dmitri E. Kourennyi (grad student)
Quan LiuAlzheimer's disease, Glaucoma, Aging, Oxidative stress20012005 Mark Anthony Smith (collaborator), George Perry (grad student)
Chen LiuCentral Feeding Circuits Neurosciences20042011 Evan Deneris (grad student)
Yi Liu20162019 Xiongwei Zhu (grad student)
Mengyu Liu20172019 Xinglong Wang (grad student)
Yubing Lu2018 Xiongwei Zhu (post-doc)
Po-Nien LuNeurobiology Biology Biology2012 Christopher A. Cullis (grad student)
J. Luis LujanDeep brain stimulation, Neuropsychiatric disorders, Electrical Stimulation, Neuroprosthetics2006 Patrick E. Crago (grad student)
Xiaopin Ma20152019 Xiongwei Zhu (post-doc)
Charalampos Mainemelispersonality, motivation2001 Richard E. Boyatzis (grad student)
Nicholas Maling Cameron C. McIntyre (post-doc)
Alfred MaloufNeuroscience Biology, Cell Biology
Valeria ManettoNeuropathology19861987 George Perry (post-doc), Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Karen M. MannGenetics, Pathology, Biochemistry2005 Bruce T. Lamb (grad student)
Timothy Mapstone
Amar R. MaratheBiomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering2011 Dawn M. Taylor (grad student)
Tim Y. Marianoneuromodulation, tDCS, neural engineering, prefrontal cortical function, neural engineering, functional electrical stimulation (FES)20052011 Kenneth J. Gustafson (grad student), Narendra Bhadra (grad student)
Michael MarlattAlzheimer disease20032005 Mark Anthony Smith (grad student), Xiongwei Zhu (grad student)
Joshua P. MartinSensorimotor Integration, Praying Mantis, Cockroach, Olfaction, Manduca sexta, Neuroethology Biology20152016 Roy Ritzmann (post-doc), Mark Willis (post-doc)
A. Julio MartinezNeuropathology19671969 Reinhard L. Friede (post-doc)
Christine M. May20112015 Heath A. Demaree (grad student)
John D. Mayer Psychology19771979 Sandra W. Russ (grad student)
Jamie McCoin
Brian Michael McDermott, Jr. Auditory System A. James Hudspeth (post-doc)
Maureen W. McEneryNeuroscience Biology, Pathology
Cameron C. McIntyreDeep brain stimulation, Neuromodulation2001 Warren Grill (grad student)
Rossella Medori Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Katya V. Melnik-Martinezsynapse, ion channel, circuitry2008 Stefan Herlitze (grad student)
Amanda R. Merner Psychology Psychological Sciences20172022 Rebecca J. Houston (research assistant), Heath A. Demaree (grad student)
Daniel R. MerrillApplied Neural Control2002 J Thomas Mortimer (grad student)
Mihajlo Mesarovicmathematics
John J. MieyalPharmacology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology
Robert H. Miller19841986 Raymond J. Lasek (post-doc)
Svjetlana Miocinovic Cameron C. McIntyre (grad student)
Pedram MohseniElectrical engineering
Salvatore Monaco Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Lucia Monari Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Siddhartha Mondragon-Rodriguez20062007 Mark Anthony Smith (grad student), George Perry (grad student)
Melisa MooreClinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology2007 Dennis Drotar (grad student)
John Moossy19671969 Reinhard L. Friede (post-doc)
Antonio Morandi Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Paula Isabel MoreiraAlzheimer's disease, oxidative stress20042007 George Perry (grad student), Mark Anthony Smith (collaborator)
J Thomas MortimerApplied Neural Control
Maghboeba MosavelSocial Work, Public and Social Welfare, Public Health2002 Wallace Gingerich (grad student)
Christa W. Mossrehabilitation engineering Biomedical Engineering2011 P. Hunter Peckham (grad student)
Tiffanie MossBioinformatics Biology, Botany Biology, Plant Culture Agriculture Biology2012 Christopher A. Cullis (grad student)
Laiyong MuLocomotion2007 Roy Ritzmann (grad student)
Mark Muraven1998 Roy F. Baumeister (grad student)
Angela J. Murphypersonality, motivation2001 Richard E. Boyatzis (grad student)
Verena Murphy (Bosch)Management Business Administration2007 David A. Kolb (grad student)
Michelle P. Murrain19811987 Roy Ritzmann (grad student)
Na-Hye Myong Mark Anthony Smith (research scientist)
Srikantan S. NagarajanSensory systems, and MEG19901994 Dominique Durand (grad student)
Elizabeth H. NasserClinical Psychology2002 James Overholser (grad student)
Inna NechipurenkoNeuroscience Biology Neurosciences2012 Heather T. Broihier (grad student)
David Neustadter2002 Hillel Chiel (grad student)
John H. Nilson
Lee NiswanderDevelopment Genetics Terry R. Magnuson (grad student)
Mengyue Niu20172020 Xiongwei Zhu (grad student)
Christine Nocjar
Gigi NordquistSocial Work, Public and Social Welfare2002 Wallace Gingerich (grad student)
Silvio Notari Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Frank Nulsen
Akihiko NunomuraNeuropathology, Apoptosis/Cell cycle, Molecular and Cell biology, Oxidative Stress19992010 George Perry (post-doc), Mark Anthony Smith (post-doc), Mark Anthony Smith (collaborator)
Marie Grazia Nunzi Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Monica M. OblingerMolecular biology of neuronal injury and regeneration19811984 Raymond J. Lasek (post-doc)
Mark E. Obrenovich20012003 George Perry (collaborator), Mark Anthony Smith (grad student)
James Vernon OdomVisual System19781979 Robert L. Fantz (post-doc)
Jeremy J. Oehlert Psychological Sciences2012 Lee Thompson (grad student)
Eugene OhOptical control of neuron function2007 Stefan Herlitze (grad student)
Ogoegbunam Okolo Pathology20152018 Xinglong Wang (research assistant)
Ronald G. OldfieldBehavioral neuroendocrinology
James OverholserClinical Psychology, Health Care Management
Sanford L. Palayneurocytology, synaptic structure Berta Scharrer (research assistant)
Mark Palmert Steven G. Younkin (grad student)
Deepak Pandya Henricus GJM Kuypers (post-doc)
Varsha PandyaSocial Work, Clinical Psychology, Criminology and Penology, Rehabilitation and Therapy2001 Wallace Gingerich (grad student)
Sosoz C. PapasozomenosNeuropathology Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Miguel A. Pappolla George Perry (post-doc), Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc), Mark Anthony Smith (collaborator)
Sangeeta ParameshwarPhilosophy, Personality Psychology, Biography2001 Donald Wolfe (grad student)
Piero ParchiPrion Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Hyun-Joo Park2011 Dominique Durand (grad student)
Manuela Pastore Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Michael A PattersonSynaptic Plasticity, Receptor Trafficking, olfaction20002004 David Friel (research assistant)
Spencer Luiz Marques Payao20072007 Mark Anthony Smith (research scientist)
P. Hunter Peckhamrehabilitation engineering J Thomas Mortimer (grad student)
Uta Pegel Roy Ritzmann (post-doc)
Charisse E. PeoplesDevelopmental Psychology, Black Studies2003 Joseph Fagan (grad student)
Eric J. Perreault2000 Robert F. Kirsch (grad student)
George PerryAlzheimer's disease, oxidative stress, cytoskeleton1982 Pierluigi C. Gambetti (research scientist), Hisashi Fujioka (collaborator)
Robert B. PetersenPrion and Alzheimer diseases Pierluigi C. Gambetti (collaborator), George Perry (collaborator), Mark Anthony Smith (collaborator)
David K. Petersen Biomedical Engineering19821989 J Thomas Mortimer (grad student)
Stephen Petrill Lee Thompson (grad student)
Phattanard PhattanasriComputational neuroscience2002 Randall D. Beer (grad student)
Linda L. Phillips19801982 Raymond J. Lasek (post-doc)
Gerald PhoSystems Neuroscience20072010 Dominique Durand (research assistant)
Mark PierreFunctional electrical stimulation, musculoskeletal modeling2005 Robert F. Kirsch (grad student)
Guillermo Pilar
guillermo r. pilarDevelopment, synapses
Ibrahim Piram19981998 Mark Anthony Smith (research scientist)
Lucas Pozzo-MillerSynapses, BDNF, MeCP2, Rett Syndrome19901992 Dennis Landis (post-doc)
Darja PraprotnikPathology19931994 George Perry (post-doc)
Curtis D. ProctorSocial Work, Individual and Family Studies2006 Victor K. Groza (grad student)
Jie Pu20022006 Heath A. Demaree (grad student)
Joanna PucilowskaNeuroscience Biology Neurosciences2012 Gary Landreth (grad student)
Gianfranco Puoti Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Pavel A. PuzereySensorimotor learning20092014 Roberto Fernandez-Galan (grad student)
Xin QiMitochondria, Neurodegeneration
Lixia Qin20182020 Xiongwei Zhu (grad student)
Stuart Quirksocial anxiety, personality assessment, schizotypy, schizophrenia Psychology19931999 Milton Strauss (grad student)
Stephen Radabaugh Corey B. Smith (grad student)
Arun K. Raina2005 Xiongwei Zhu (grad student)
Arun K. RainaAlzheimer disease20002005 George Perry (collaborator), Mark Anthony Smith (grad student)
Mahendra S. RaoStem cells Story C. Landis (post-doc)
Robert Ratcheson
Mike Rauscher Biology Jessica L. Fox (grad student)
Mary A. RawlingsPublic and Social Welfare, Higher Education2008 Wallace Gingerich (grad student)
Erin Reed-Geaghan Gary Landreth (grad student)
James B. ReswickMedical Engineering
Andrew Garmory RichardsonMotor system19982000 Warren Grill (research assistant)
Joanne RiebschlegerMental Health, Social Work, Individual and Family Studies2001 Pranab Chatterjee (grad student)
Kristin A. RiekertClinical Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Mental Health2000 Dennis Drotar (grad student)
Michelle Riske-MorrisSocial Work, Social Psychology, Educational Psychology Education2005 Mark Singer (grad student)
Roy RitzmannLocomotion
Beatriz V. Rivera Cruzpersonality, motivation2004 Richard E. Boyatzis (grad student)
Jennifer L. RobinsonPsychophysiology, emotion, neuroimaging20022006 Heath A. Demaree (grad student)
Roberto Rodrigues20082008 Mark Anthony Smith (research scientist)
Uros RoessmannNeuropathology
Mark Rogers Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Raj Kamal RolstonAlzheimer disease and aging20042008 Mark Anthony Smith (research scientist)
Briana L. RootClinical Psychology Psychology2012 Julie Exline (grad student)
Sharon K. Rose-RegoSchizophrenia; dementias2001 Milton Strauss (grad student)
Alex O. RothbaumPTSD2014 Norah Feeny (grad student)
Catherine A. Rottcamp20002000 George Perry (collaborator), Mark Anthony Smith (grad student)
John S. Rudge Jerry Silver (post-doc)
Sandra W. Russ
Robert L. RussellGeriatrics Pathology19981999 George Perry (grad student), George Perry (research assistant)
Claudio Russo Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Joanne M. RuthsatzExperimental Psychology, Educational Psychology Education, Music Education2000 Douglas K. Detterman (grad student)
Timothy M.J. RybaXenopus
Nina K. RytwinskiMood and anxiety disorders
Elizabeth A. SabensPharmacology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology Pharmacology2011 John J. Mieyal (grad student)
Shasta L. Sabo
Satya Sahoo
Ahlam I. SalamehHearing Otolaryngology Physiology and Biophysics20172016 Brian Michael McDermott, Jr. (post-doc), Walter F. Boron (grad student)
Jeffrey L. SalisburyCentrosome biology, Cancer biology
Prattana Samasilp Corey B. Smith (grad student)
Renato Xavier Santos20102010 Mark Anthony Smith (grad student)
Berta Scharrerneuroendocrinology, neurosecretion
Matthew A. SchieferNeural Engineering2009 Dustin J. Tyler (grad student)
Loren Janes SchmidtOlfactory bulb20082014 Ben W. Strowbridge (grad student)
Nicholas Schorkstatistical genetics of neuropschiatric disorders
Teresa J. ScottClinical Psychology2006 Elizabeth J. Short (grad student)
Warren Selman
Amanda Serapiglia2024 Nikhil Panicker (grad student)
Vincent SetolaPsychopharmacology, 5-HT2A receptors, hallucinogens2005 Bryan L. Roth (grad student)
John R. ShackPersonality Psychology, Educational Assessment Donald K. Freedheim (grad student)
Aasef G. ShaikhVestibular, Eye movements, head movements, tremor, dystonia, DBS20022005 Dora Angelaki (post-doc)
Reuben R. Shamir Cameron C. McIntyre (post-doc)
Anjali Shankar Anne Draelos (research scientist)
Changjuan Shao2018 Xiongwei Zhu (post-doc)
Himanshu Sharmastem cells, dystroglycan, SVZ, extracellular matrix Neuroscience20082011 Jerry Silver (research assistant)
Gordon Shecket Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Douglas J. Sheffler19982006 Bryan L. Roth (grad student)
Baiyang Sheng20102011 Xiongwei Zhu (post-doc)
Max Sheng Pathology20152016 Xinglong Wang (research assistant)
R. T. SherbaPublic and Social Welfare, Public Health, Mental Health2008 Mark Singer (grad student)
Jiong ShiDirector, Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology Program19982000 George Perry (post-doc), Robert P. Friedland (post-doc)
Rajat ShivacharanNeuropsychiatric disease (OCD, depression, binge-eating), DBS, Neuromodulation, Ephaptic or Endogenous Electric Field Coupling, Hippocampal Waves, Epilepsy, Non-synaptic recruitment/synchronization Biomedical Engineering20132019 Dominique Durand (grad student)
Andrew Shoffstallneural inflammation, intracortical microelectrodes, peripheral neural interface, drug delivery Biomedical Engineering20092013 Erin B. Lavik (grad student)
Elizabeth J. ShortClinical Psychology
Sandra L. SiedlakAlzheimer disease19922010 George Perry (research assistant), Mark Anthony Smith (research assistant)
Jerry SilverAxon guidance, spinal cord injury
Eden J. SilvermanClinical Psychology, Health Care Management2001 James Overholser (grad student)
Mark SingerYouth violence, Adolescent behavior problems, Co-existing drug and mental disorders, Community policing
Marcus SingerNeuroanatomy, developmental neurobiology
Neena SinghPrion Pierluigi C. Gambetti (collaborator)
Joanna T. SkilogianisCultural Anthropology, Individual and Family Studies, Women's Studies2001 Atwood D. Gaines (grad student)
John L. Skousen Biomedical Engineering20122013 Jeffrey R. Capadona (post-doc)
Denise M. SloanPTSD, Emotion1998 Milton Strauss (grad student)
Mark Anthony Smithalzheimer's disease, pathology, oxidative stress19942010 George Perry (post-doc), George Perry (collaborator), Jesus Avila de Grado (collaborator), Lawrence M. Sayre (collaborator), James A. Joseph (collaborator), Merce Pallas-Lliberia (collaborator), Richard L. Bowen (collaborator), Hossein A. Ghanbari (collaborator)
Corey B. SmithPhysiology, Neuroscience, Cell Biophysics, Exocytosis, Endocytosis, Stress Response
Jill A. Soha Karl Herrup (research assistant)
William Clayton SpencerSerotonin system, genomics Neurosciences2011 Evan Deneris (post-doc)
Parameshwar SrikantiaManagement Business Administration, Philosophy, Personality Psychology, Theory and Methods2001 Donald Wolfe (grad student)
Ravi Srinivas Bioengineering20002000 Nina F. Schor (research assistant)
William StaceyComputational Modelling Epilepsy19972000 Dominique Durand (grad student)
John S. Stahleye movement
Marta C. Steinberg
Melody J. StewartPublic and Social Welfare, Criminology and Penology2008 Victor K. Groza (grad student)
Jeremy Stone20062010 Mark Anthony Smith (research assistant)
Milton StraussSchizophrenia; dementias
Ben W. StrowbridgeMossy cells; olfactory bulb1995 Phillip A. Schwartzkroin (post-doc)
Elizabeth C. Stubbspersonality, motivation2005 Richard E. Boyatzis (grad student)
Bo SuAlzheimer Disease20052010 Xiongwei Zhu (post-doc)
Yi Eve SunNeural stem cells and epigenetics Richard E. Zigmond (grad student)
Qian SunHippocampal circuit function
Gregory P. Sutton2006 Hillel Chiel (grad student)
Anne K. SwensonSchizophrenia; dementias2007 Milton Strauss (grad student)
Massimo TabatonAlzheimer disease19881988 George Perry (post-doc), Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc), Mark Anthony Smith (collaborator), George Perry (post-doc)
Masashi TabuchiNeurophysiology, Sleep, Neural coding, Synaptic plasticity
Marta Anne Taddeo20012003 George Perry (grad student)
Atsushi Takeda George Perry (collaborator), Mark Anthony Smith (post-doc)
Kyle Taljan Cameron C. McIntyre (grad student)
Fanqiang Tang Pathology20132015 Xinglong Wang (post-doc), Xiongwei Zhu (post-doc)
Yuang TangNeural Engineering Biomedical Engineering2012 Dominique Durand (grad student)
Matthew D. TarlerApplied Neural Control2000 J Thomas Mortimer (grad student)
Jan Teller Pierluigi C. Gambetti (collaborator)
Pichet Termsarasab20172018 Xinglong Wang (research scientist)
Alan Tessler Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Peter J. Thomascomputational neuroscience, mathematical modeling
Lee Thompson
Rolando D. Tiu2003 Lee Thompson (grad student)
Nancy TresserNeuropathology19921994 George Perry (post-doc), Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Ronald J. Triolo
Hans Tritschler Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Jean M. Twenge19992001 Roy F. Baumeister (post-doc)
Dustin J. TylerNeural Engineering19931999 Dominique Durand (grad student)
Michael Tytell19771980 Raymond J. Lasek (post-doc)
Gustaf Van AckerNeuromodulation Biomedical Engineering20142016 Kevin L. Kilgore (post-doc)
Byron N Van NestApis mellifera, Manduca sexta, neuroanatomy, neuroethology, learning and memory, decision making, chronobiology, navigation and flight control Biology Mark Willis (post-doc)
James R. VanderwoerdPublic and Social Welfare, Social Work, Public Administration2003 Pranab Chatterjee (grad student)
Adrienn G. Varganeuroethology Roy Ritzmann (grad student), Helen E. Scharfman (research assistant)
Nicholas H. Varvel20032008 Bruce T. Lamb (grad student)
Manuel E. VelascoNeuropathology of Neurodegenerative Disease19921993 George Perry (research scientist), Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Jennell C. VickSpeech Physiology2004 Gregory S. Lee (collaborator)
Kristin Z. Victoroffpersonality, motivation2007 Richard E. Boyatzis (grad student)
Federico Villare Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Michael P. VimontDevelopmental Psychology, Public and Social Welfare, Public Health Social Welfare2011 Mark Singer (grad student)
Daniel VogtNeuroscience, Molecular and Cell Biology, Autism, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroscience20022007 Alfred Malouf (grad student)
Kathleen Vohsmarketing, economics, neuroeconomics, gender Roy F. Baumeister (post-doc)
Rachael N. Volokhov20062010 Heath A. Demaree (grad student)
Natalie WaldersClinical Psychology, Public Health2002 Dennis Drotar (grad student)
Harry Wallace2001 Roy F. Baumeister (grad student)
Benjamin L. WalterMotor Systems, Systems Neuroscience, Deep Brain Stimulation, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, fMRI, DBS, Dystonia, Parkinson's Disease, Tremor, Movement Disorders
Xinglong WangAlzheimer Disease Pathology20052009 George Perry (collaborator), Mark Anthony Smith (collaborator), George Perry (grad student), Xiongwei Zhu (grad student)
Wenzhang Wang Pathology20112016 Xinglong Wang (post-doc), Xiongwei Zhu (post-doc)
Sheng Wangneural control of breathing Neurosciences Neurosciences20102011 Lynn T. Landmesser (post-doc), Diana L. Kunze (post-doc)
Luwen Wang Pathology2015 Xinglong Wang (post-doc)
Jason D Wark Biology20072015 Kristen E Lukas (grad student)
Michiko Watanabe
Takafumi WatayaNeuroscience19971997 George Perry (grad student), Mark Anthony Smith (collaborator)
Joseph S. Weaver20092013 Heath A. Demaree (grad student)
Kate M. Webber Mark Anthony Smith (grad student)
Velvet Weems-LandinghamManagement Business Administration2004 David A. Kolb (grad student)
Martin Weiss
Brian Wells20052006 Mark Anthony Smith (post-doc)
Yi-Lan WengNeuroscience Biology Neurosciences2011 Heather T. Broihier (grad student)
Brian Jeffrey Wenzel2005 Warren Grill (grad student)
Daniel W. WessonOlfaction, Sensory coding, Olfactory tubercle
Peter J. Whitehouse George Perry (collaborator)
Carl J. WiggersCardiovascular and cerebrovascular physiology
Mark Willis John G. Hildebrand (research scientist)
Christopher Glenn WilsonNeural control of breathing
Brian WodlingerNerve Recording, Cortical Recording, BCI, BMI, Peripheral Nerve Electrode20062010 Dominique Durand (grad student)
Gillian M. WoldorfClinical Psychology2006 Eric A. Youngstrom (grad student)
Donald WolfeManagement Business Administration, Philosophy, Personality Psychology, Theory and Methods
Julie C. Wolfram2009 Mark Anthony Smith (grad student)
Tom Wongmonkolrit Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Debra Wood Michael P. Nusbaum (post-doc)
Christi J. WylieSerotonin system Neurosciences2010 Evan Deneris (grad student)
Anthony Wynshaw-BorisNeuroscience Biology1984 Richard W. Hanson (grad student)
Esther D. Wyss-FlammManagement Business Administration, Adult and Continuing Education, Social Psychology2002 David A. Kolb (grad student)
Xiaohong XuSerotonin system2007 Evan Deneris (grad student)
Yoshitaka YamazakiGeneral Business Administration, Industrial Psychology2004 David A. Kolb (grad student)
Feng YanPsychopharmacology, 5-HT2A receptors, hallucinogens2008 Bryan L. Roth (grad student)
Tingxiang Yan20172019 Xinglong Wang (post-doc)
Chen Yao Pathology2012 Shu G. Chen (grad student)
Alexandra YargerNeuroscience Biology Jessica L. Fox (grad student)
Hui Ye Hillel Chiel (grad student)
Dhananjay Yellajoshyula Kristen L. Kroll (post-doc)
Bethlehem T. Yimenu20122016 Heath A. Demaree (grad student)
Levent YobasNeural Engineering2001 Dominique Durand (grad student)
Edmund Yodlowski Biomedical Engering19751979 J Thomas Mortimer (grad student)
Howard Yonas
Paul B. YooNeural Engineering2004 Dominique Durand (grad student)
Harold Young
Steven G. Younkin Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
Xiaofeng Yu Corey B. Smith (grad student)
David Zabel Pierluigi C. Gambetti (grad student)
Michael J. ZaccarielloClinical Psychology, General Religion2006 James Overholser (grad student)
Giangi Zanusso Pierluigi C. Gambetti (post-doc)
George Zarkua Corey B. Smith (research scientist)
Kathy ZebrackiClinical Psychology, General2006 Dennis Drotar (grad student)
Sophia Zeng Pathology20162019 Xinglong Wang (research assistant)
Fan Zhang Pathology20132014 Xinglong Wang (research scientist), Xiongwei Zhu (research scientist)
Li Zhang Pathology2011 Xinglong Wang (post-doc)
Li Zhang.20112012 Xiongwei Zhu (post-doc)
Fanpeng Zhao2015 Xiongwei Zhu (post-doc)
Yang ZhengCardiology Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering20172022 Isabelle Deschenes (grad student), Dominique Durand (grad student)
Xiongwei Zhu Mark Anthony Smith (post-doc)
Richard E. Zigmondneurochemical plasticity in adult neurons
Richard E. Zigmondperipheral nerve regeneration
Wen-Quan Zou Pierluigi C. Gambetti (collaborator)