UCSD School of Medicine

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Alena Bartakova Ophthalmology Jeffrey L. Goldberg (grad student)
Kevin T Bushkidney development, drug transporters, organic anion transporter
Robert E. Clark psychiatry19942000 Larry R. Squire (grad student)
Candice Contetaddiction Psychiatry20062007 Athina Markou (post-doc)
Isabel M. Costantino2018 Jerold Chun (grad student)
Lucas E CrombergNeuroscience, epigenetics
Colin Depp
Tomas Luis FalzoneNeuroscience, Cell Biology.20022009 Lawrence SB Goldstein (post-doc)
Benjamin I Felleman
Jeffrey H. GertschAltitude-associated neurological diseases, Surgical neurophysiology, Epilepsy, Electroencephalography
Matthias Georg Haberlvisual system, brain wiring, Fragile X Syndrome, multimodal imaging NCMIR Mark H. Ellisman (post-doc)
Itay HadasTMS-EEG Psychiatry Psychiatry2020 Jeff Daskalakis (research scientist)
Katia M. HarléEmotion, Affective Neuroscience, Decision-manking, fMRI Psychiatry Martin P. Paulus (post-doc)
Andrew P. HoAlzheimer's, Sleep, Pain, Schizophrenia, Addiction19901995 J. Christian Gillin (grad student)
Philipp A. JaegerAlzheimer, Down Syndrome, Autophagy, Aging Medicine Trey Ideker (grad student)
Karra A JonesBrain tumors, Gliomas, Neuromuscular Disease, Muscular Dystrophy Pathology20122014 Henry C. Powell (post-doc)
Richard L. KlemkeCancer Pathology19962002 David A. Cheresh (grad student)
Robert Burr Livingstonneuroanatomy, neurophysiology
Juliet M. Nicodemus2018 Jerold Chun (grad student)
Milagros Salas-Prato Biology and Cancer Centre19791982 Gordon H. Sato (post-doc)
Paula K. Shearneuropsychology Dean C. Delis (grad student)
Karen J. Tonsfeldt Reproductive Medicine2015 Pamela Mellon (post-doc)
Ruby Tsengsystem neuroscience, neuropharmacology, prefrontal cortex, cognitive flexibility, life long learning, neuroplasticity Pharmacy Palmer W. Taylor (research assistant)
Rachel S. WhiteNeural Circuits20022004 Patrick E. Chappell (research scientist)
Le XuLung biology
Yeni Hasan Yucel Ophthalmology Pthology19951996 Robert N. Weinreb (post-doc), Michael W. Kalichman (collaborator)
Chunmei ZhaoNeural Stem Cell Gen-Sheng Feng (grad student)