Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Aimin BaoNeuroendocrine
Bangyu Cai
Shu-Xia Cao Xiao-Ming Li (grad student)
Chao Cao Physics20032009 Hai-Ping Cheng (grad student)
Yan Cao2016 Yiwen Wang (grad student)
Xiao-Juan Chen Xiao-Ming Li (research assistant)
Cong ChenNeuronal degenerative disease, microglia, immuonology, endocytic pathway
Li ChenI/O Psychology
Shuqi ChenDopamine, Cortex, Decision-making20162018 Hailan Hu (research assistant)
Ji ChenNeuroimage, Psychiatric disorder, Machine learning
Jing Chenhuman-automation interaction; human factors; experimental psychology2010 Mowei Shen (grad student)
Pengxiang ChenAstrocyte, Glioma Pathology and Pathophysiology20172022 Chong Liu (grad student)
Honghua ChenCognitive Neuroscience of Language20222027 Nai Ding (grad student)
Xuchao Chen20232026 Nai Ding (grad student)
Yihui Cui
Junyi DaiDecision Making, choice models
Yujia Di20222025 Nai Ding (grad student)
Nai Dingauditory system, MEG
Yiyan Dongneural circuit and therapy for major depression School of Medicine2016 Hailan Hu (grad student)
Ping DongNeurobiology Neurobiology20132018 Xiao-Ming Li (grad student)
Akshay EdathodathilVisual system, Computational Neuroscience
Zhengxiao Fan
Xiang Feng Institute of neuroscience20202019 Shengxiang Zhang (grad student), Shumin Duan (grad student), Shumin Duan (post-doc)
Yuan Feng20212024 Nai Ding (grad student)
Zaifeng Gao20042009 Mowei Shen (grad student)
Jiaxin Gaoauditory neuroscience20202025 Nai Ding (grad student)
Xin GeGeometry
Qian Gong2014 Xiao-Dong Wang (grad student)
Mengyuan GongVision Science
Zhefeng GongNeural circuits, sensorimotor control, behaviors, drosophila larva
Chenxiao GuanCognitive Psychology
Tingting He2021 Hsin-Yi Lai (grad student)
Xiao-Jun HouNeurobiology Xiao-Ming Li (grad student)
Xiaoqing Hudeception detection, deception.
Meiqin Hu
xiaoning jiadepression astrocytes
Chu Jian
Lei Jiang2017 Yiwen Wang (grad student)
Libing Jiangemergency medicine
Shuimu Jin College of Life Science2022 Hailan Hu (research assistant)
Xiangzhen KongImaging Genetics, Brain Asymmetry, Neuroimaging, Cognitive Neuroscience
Hsin-Yi LaiNeuroenginering
Lan Lan2022 Hsin-Yi Lai (grad student)
Ke-Xin Li Xiao-Ming Li (grad student)
Jie LiVisual Cognition, ERP, eye movment research
Xiao-Ming Li
Xiao-Ming LiNeurobiology
Chunguang LiComputational neuroscience
Yingcong Li
Qiang Li
Hongbao Li2017 Yiwen Wang (grad student)
Tongchao Li
Peichao Livisual circuits
Junying Liang Linguistics19992002 Yanping Dong (grad student)
Yuxi Liao2014 Yiwen Wang (grad student)
Jieyu Lin20212024 Nai Ding (grad student)
Shucai Ling
Shufang Liuneurocomputation
Jiexun Liu Interdisciplinary Institute of Neuroscience and Technology2016 Hisashi Tanigawa (grad student)
Fei Liu Chu Jian (grad student)
Chong LiuGlioma. OPC
Wei Liu20212026 Nai Ding (grad student)
Aoni Liu20232026 Nai Ding (grad student)
Ying-Mei LuNeurobiology Xiao-Ming Li (post-doc)
Yuhan LuAuditory cognitive neuroscience; audiology20182021 Nai Ding (research assistant)
Yi Lu20122016 Shumin Duan (grad student)
Cheng Luo Nai Ding (grad student)
Huan Maactivity dependent gene expression, synaptic plasticity
Yaoguang Ma Xiaobo Yin (post-doc)
Kun-Ming Ni Xiao-Ming Li (grad student)
Pingyue Pansynaptic mechanisms in the Parkinson's disease20022005 Shumin Duan (grad student)
Fish Kunxun Qian Institute of neuroscience20142016 Yudong Zhou (research assistant)
Meizhen QianSystematic Neuroscience Interdisciplinary Institute of Neuroscience and Technology, Qiushi Academy for Advanced Studies20162020 Anna W. Roe (grad student)
Cunle Qian
Boyi Qu2017 Hsin-Yi Lai (grad student)
Anna W. Roevisual system, somatosensory, brain circuitry, connectome, neurotechnology
Yun-Yun Ruielectrophysiology, pain, auditory system, visual system, amygdala, connectome, Interdisciplinary Institute of Neuroscience and Technology Interdisciplinary Institute of Neuroscience and Technology xiongjie yu (grad student), Anna W. Roe (grad student)
Xiwei She
Ying Shen
Mowei ShenPerception and Attention
Ting Shen20162020 Hsin-Yi Lai (grad student)
Tingting SunAlzheimer's disease School of Medicine Shucai Ling (grad student)
Zheng Tang2021 Hsin-Yi Lai (grad student)
Hisashi TanigawaVisual system
Chao TongNervous system development
Chi Wang2013 Xiao-Dong Wang (grad student)
Xing-Xing Wang2014 Xiao-Dong Wang (grad student)
Xiao-Dong Wangstress, hippocampus, cognition, depression, dendritic spines
Jianbao WangfMRI ZIINT20182022 Anna W. Roe (grad student)
Fang Wang2015 Yiwen Wang (grad student)
Yiwen WangElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
Lichao Wang
Yun Wang
Zhiguo WangHuman factors, computational neuroscience, attention, eye-tracking
Jincheng WangASD20162017 Yu-Dong Zhou (research assistant)
Haiming Wang2020 Hsin-Yi Lai (grad student)
Jing Wang20232028 Nai Ding (grad student)
Xiyuan Xiao
Juanjuan Xie20172020 Hsin-Yi Lai (grad student)
Dong Xing
Lizhen Xu Pharmacology2017 Fan Yang (grad student)
Haokui XuCognitive model, Human cooperation
SUHONG XUtissue damage response and regeneration
Kai Xu2015 Yiwen Wang (grad student)
Jian-Ming Yang Xiao-Ming Li (grad student)
Hangbo YangCollege of optical science and engineering College of optical science and engineering20122017 Qiang Li (grad student)
Fan Yangion channel biophysics
Hongbin Yangcircuits of negative emotions Neurobiology20122015 Shumin Duan (grad student)
ding yao yao
Mao Ye20092014 Jianhong Luo (grad student)
Minhong YuAuditory and visual perception, Quantitative modeling20052007 Mowei Shen (grad student)
Jing-Ying Yu2014 Xiao-Dong Wang (grad student)
Wenyue Yu
xiongjie yuAuditory, vestibular, visual
Yajun Yu“Digital Signal Processing”
Qing YuUbiquitylation, neddylation, drug discovery
Yue YuNutrient sensing Liming Wang (grad student)
Wanchao YuEnvironmental Chemistry
Xiaodan Yu20162021 Hsin-Yi Lai (grad student)
Xiao Yu20162023 Hsin-Yi Lai (grad student)
Jing Zhang Xiao-Ming Li (grad student)
Shaomin ZhangMotor system
Shaojie ZhangBrain machine interface
Hanxiong Zhang Neurobiology20152016 Yudong Zhou (research assistant)
Chaoyi ZhangInterneurons
Yuran Zhang20202025 Nai Ding (grad student)
Jianfeng ZhangMEG, fMRI, Interoception, Neural Oscillation, Speech, Brain-body interaction, Global Signal20172021 Nai Ding (grad student)
Qianhui Zhaomotor control, central generator partner(CPG) School of Brain Science and Brain Medicine20182024 Zhefeng Gong (grad student)
Haiyan Zheng
Yudong Zhou
Tianyi Zhu20222025 Nai Ding (grad student)
Jiajie ZouSpeech processing and DNN models