Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Jorge AcevesNeurophysiology
Jose de Jesus Aceves BuendiaNeurodegenarive diseases and Epilepsy
Janet Murbartián Aguilar Ubaldo García Hernández (grad student)
Victor AlemanNeurochemistry
Guillermo Aquino-MirandaNeuropharmacology, Behavioral Neuroscience José Antonio Arias (grad student)
Hugo ArechigaChronobiology, circadian cicles
José Antonio Arias Jorge Aceves (grad student)
José Bargas Jorge Aceves (grad student)
Roxana Carbó-Zabala
Enrique Contreras-HernándezSpinal cord, dorsal horn, spontanoeus activity Ismael Jimenez Estrada (grad student)
Carlos A. cuellar Rodolfo Delgado Lezama (grad student)
David EliasPhisiology Instrumentation
Ismael Jimenez Estrada
Carmen Vivar EstudilloAdult neurogenesis, neuronal plasticity
Francisco Fernandez De Miguel (F.F. De-Miguel)Cellular Neurobiology1989 Hugo Arechiga (grad student)
Luis M. Franco Department of Physiology, Biophysics and Neurosciences20092011 Rafael Gutiérrez (grad student)
Eugenio Frixione Hugo Arechiga (grad student)
Emilio J. Galvan Rafael Gutiérrez (post-doc)
Abimael Gonzalez-HernandezPharmacology Farmacobiología20062011 Carlos M. Villalón (grad student)
Ernesto GriegoHippocampus, Synaptic plasticity, Intrinsic plasticity Emilio J. Galvan (grad student)
Alonso Fernández Guasti Carlos Beyer (grad student)
Alain Marc GuillemGlu and Gln Transportes
Rafael GutiérrezSynaptic Plasticity, Phenotypic Pasticity, Epileptogenesis
Ubaldo García Hernández Hugo Arechiga (grad student)
Gabriel Herrera-Lópezsynaptic plasticity, brain netabolism20152019 Emilio J. Galvan (grad student)
Rodolfo Delgado Lezama
Daniel LimónAlzheimer and Parkinson models, pharmacology and neurotoxicity Neuroscience Physiology and Neuroscience19941997 Victor Aleman (grad student), Jorge Aceves (grad student)
Alvaro LunaSignal Processing, Neuroengineering2012 Ranier Gutierrez (grad student), David Elias (grad student)
Carlos Humberto MartinezSNAT2, neuroscience. Arturo Ortega (grad student)
Isaac Obed Perez Martinezpain placebo nocebo multidimetional pain alcoholism Pharmacology20082013 Ranier Gutierrez (grad student)
Zila Martinez LozadaGlial cells, Glutamate Transporters, Cerebellum Arturo Ortega (grad student)
Vladimir Allex Martinez RojasNeuron, ion channels, DRG, Spinal cord
Orquidia Guadalupe Méndez-FloresGlial cells, Glutamate signalling Arturo Ortega (grad student)
Arturo OrtegaMolecular Neurobiology19851987 Victor Aleman (grad student)
Claudia Ibeth Perez obesity, nucleo accumbens, ingestive behavior 2011 Ranier Gutierrez (grad student)
Luis Ernesto Prado RodríguezOptogenetics and Feeding Behavior20102014 Ranier Gutierrez (grad student)
Hector Romo-ParraNeuromodulation, Cancer, Neuropathology Rafael Gutiérrez (grad student)
Arturo Rosenblueth
Pablo RudominPre-synaptic inhibition
Ana SolodkinMotor system, limbic system Pablo Rudomin (grad student)
Luis A. TellezGut-Brain Axis, Gustatory System, Reward System, Multi-electrode recordings, ingestive behavior, obesity, Protein Folding, Misfolding, 20092010 Ranier Gutierrez (post-doc), Isaac Obed Perez Martinez (collaborator)
Carlos M. Villalón
Miguel A. VillavicencioMulti-electrode recordings, feeding behavior, Nucleus Accumbes, apetite2011 Ranier Gutierrez (grad student)