Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Pramit BandyopadhyayOlfaction, Neuroscience
Amelie Baschwitz Evolutionary Neuroethology20112017 Silke Sachse (grad student)
Sudeshna Das Evolutionary Neuroethology2014 Silke Sachse (post-doc)
Eleftherios Dimitriou Jürgen Rybak (grad student)
Hany DweckNeuroecology Evolutionary Neuroethology Evolutionary Neuroethology20102014 Marcus C. Stensmyr (grad student), Bill S Hansson (grad student)
Veit Grabe Evolutionary Neuroethology Evolutionary Neuroethology20162015 Silke Sachse (grad student), Silke Sachse (post-doc)
Lydia Gruber Department of Evolutionary Neuroethology Jürgen Rybak (grad student)
Alexander HaverkampOlfaction, biogenic amines evolutionary Neuroethology20122018 Bill S Hansson (grad student)
Ahmed Mohamed Evolutionary Neuroethology Department of Evolutionary Neuroethology20142019 Silke Sachse (grad student), Bill S Hansson (grad student)
Jürgen RybakOlfaction
Silke Sachseinsect olfaction, sensory processing, neural circuits
Elisa Schuh Evolutionary Neuroethology20122018 Silke Sachse (grad student)
Marcus C. Stensmyr
Antonia Strutz Evolutionary Neuroethology20082013 Silke Sachse (grad student)