Henrik Sjöbring

1930-1944 Psychiatry University of Lund, Lund, Skåne län, Sweden 
Psychology, Personality
"Henrik Sjöbring"

Per Henrik Nils Sjöbring, born July 9, 1879 in Aringsås, died February 19, 1956, was a Swedish physician and professor of psychiatry.
Sjöbring did his dissertation in 1913 at Uppsala University [ 1 ] and was professor of psychiatry at Lund University 1930-1944. He has become best known for his variables for describing personality types . His so-called constitutional factors ( Sjöbring's constitutional theory ) were named:
capacity (intelligence)
validity (psychic energy)
stability (equilibrium in the basic mood)
solvency (firmness, inertia, tenacity )
With the help of these variables, all people can be categorized as either normal, super or sub - for example subcapable (unintelligent), subvalid (lack of psychic energy), normosolid, super stable and so on.
The Individual Psychological Issue in Psychiatry (Academic Dissertation, 1913)
Structure and development - a personality theory (1958)
Source: https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henrik_Sjöbring (Google Translate)
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