Herbert Weiner, MS,DMHon
Affiliations: | 1969-1982 | Psychiatry | Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine |
1982-2002 | Psychiatry | UCLA - School of Medicine |
"Herbert Weiner"Bio:
Professor Weiner was born in Vienna and came to the US in 1939. He graduated from Harvard and obtained his MD degree from Columbia. His early research at Walter Reed continues to be influential. He was an extremely productive researcher at Albert Einstein shouldering a heavy administrative load as Chair at Montefiore and later Chief of Behavioral Medicine at UCLA. Professor Weiner was editor of Psychosomatic Medicine and President of the Society from 1971 to 1972. (sources:Dimsdale 2003, Psychosomatic medicine, doi: 10.1097/01.PSY.0000072474.26182.CE), & NYT 11/16/2002).
His writings included “Psychobiology and Human Disease” (1977) and the textbook ''Perturbing the Organism: The Biology of Stressful Experience'' (University of Chicago, 1992) and he co-wrote or edited 20 others.
“He brought a level of scientific inquiry to the field,” said Dr. Michael Irwin, a professor at UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute. “He asked, ‘How do we set up experiments to evaluate how the brain communicates with the body and how stress impacts health?’ That was his stamp.” his pioneering research into mind-body connections contributed to the rise of psychosomatic medicine as a distinct field. (Woo E, LA Times 11/16/2002)
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Sign in to add traineeMyron Hofer | research scientist | 1969-2002 | Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine |
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