Carrie A. Joyce

2000 University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
face recognition
"Carrie Joyce"
Mean distance: 14.57 (cluster 23)


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Marta Kutas grad student 2000 UCSD
 (Saving faces: Using eye movement, ERP, and SCR measures of face processing and recognition to investigate eyewitness identification.)
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Tong MH, Joyce CA, Cottrell GW. (2008) Why is the fusiform face area recruited for novel categories of expertise? A neurocomputational investigation. Brain Research. 1202: 14-24
Joyce CA, Schyns PG, Gosselin F, et al. (2006) Early selection of diagnostic facial information in the human visual cortex. Vision Research. 46: 800-13
Joyce C, Rossion B. (2005) The face-sensitive N170 and VPP components manifest the same brain processes: the effect of reference electrode site. Clinical Neurophysiology : Official Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. 116: 2613-31
Joyce CA, Kutas M. (2005) Event-related potential correlates of long-term memory for briefly presented faces. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 17: 757-67
Joyce CA, Gorodnitsky IF, Kutas M. (2004) Automatic removal of eye movement and blink artifacts from EEG data using blind component separation. Psychophysiology. 41: 313-25
Rossion B, Joyce CA, Cottrell GW, et al. (2003) Early lateralization and orientation tuning for face, word, and object processing in the visual cortex. Neuroimage. 20: 1609-24
Joyce CA, Gorodnitsky IF, Teder-Sälejärvi WA, et al. (2002) Variability in AC amplifier distortions: estimation and correction. Psychophysiology. 39: 633-40
Joyce CA, Gorodnitsky IF, King JW, et al. (2002) Tracking eye fixations with electroocular and electroencephalographic recordings. Psychophysiology. 39: 607-18
Joyce CA, Paller KA, Schwartz TJ, et al. (1999) An electrophysiological analysis of modality-specific aspects of word repetition. Psychophysiology. 36: 655-65
Joyce CA, Paller KA, McIsaac HK, et al. (1998) Memory changes with normal aging: behavioral and electrophysiological measures. Psychophysiology. 35: 669-78
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