Edward Large

Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, United States 
"Edward Large"
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Zalta A, Large EW, Schön D, et al. (2024) Neural dynamics of predictive timing and motor engagement in music listening. Science Advances. 10: eadi2525
Oh Y, Lerud KD, Hoglund E, et al. (2023) Testing a computational model for aural detection of aircraft in ambient noise. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 154: 3799-3809
Roman IR, Roman AS, Kim JC, et al. (2023) Hebbian learning with elasticity explains how the spontaneous motor tempo affects music performance synchronization. Plos Computational Biology. 19: e1011154
Large EW, Roman I, Kim JC, et al. (2023) Dynamic models for musical rhythm perception and coordination. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 17: 1151895
Tichko P, Page N, Kim JC, et al. (2022) Neural Entrainment to Musical Pulse in Naturalistic Music Is Preserved in Aging: Implications for Music-Based Interventions. Brain Sciences. 12
Wei Y, Hancock R, Mozeiko J, et al. (2022) The relationship between entrainment dynamics and reading fluency assessed by sensorimotor perturbation. Experimental Brain Research
Tichko P, Kim JC, Large EW. (2022) A Dynamical, Radically Embodied, and Ecological Theory of Rhythm Development. Frontiers in Psychology. 13: 653696
Tichko P, Kim JC, Large EW. (2021) Bouncing the Network: A Dynamical Systems Model of Auditory-Vestibular Interactions Underlying Infants' Perception of Musical Rhythm. Developmental Science. e13103
Kim JC, Large EW. (2021) Multifrequency Hebbian plasticity in coupled neural oscillators. Biological Cybernetics
Tichko P, Kim JC, Large E, et al. (2020) Integrating music-based interventions with Gamma-frequency stimulation: Implications for healthy aging. The European Journal of Neuroscience
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