Nicholas Epley

University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
Gesture, language
"Nicholas Epley"
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Thomas Gilovich grad student 2001 Cornell
 (Mental correction as serial, effortful, confirmatory, and insufficient adjustment.)


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Nadav Klein grad student Chicago
Adam Waytz grad student Chicago
Mark Alan Stalnaker grad student 2004 Harvard
Ayelet Gneezy grad student 2007 Chicago
Xuan Zhao post-doc 2017- Chicago (PsychTree)
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Wald KA, Kardas M, Epley N. (2024) Misplaced Divides? Discussing Political Disagreement With Strangers Can Be Unexpectedly Positive. Psychological Science. 9567976241230005
Dungan JA, Epley N. (2024) Surprisingly good talk: Misunderstanding others creates a barrier to constructive confrontation. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General
Echelbarger M, Epley N. (2023) Undervaluing the positive impact of kindness starts early. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General
Zhao X, Epley N. (2022) Surprisingly Happy to Have Helped: Underestimating Prosociality Creates a Misplaced Barrier to Asking for Help. Psychological Science. 9567976221097615
Epley N, Kardas M, Zhao X, et al. (2022) Undersociality: miscalibrated social cognition can inhibit social connection. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 26: 406-418
Zhao X, Epley N. (2021) Insufficiently complimentary?: Underestimating the positive impact of compliments creates a barrier to expressing them. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 121: 239-256
Schroeder J, Lyons D, Epley N. (2021) Hello, stranger? Pleasant conversations are preceded by concerns about starting one. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General
Kumar A, Epley N. (2020) It's surprisingly nice to hear you: Misunderstanding the impact of communication media can lead to suboptimal choices of how to connect with others. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General
Schroeder J, Epley N. (2020) Demeaning: Dehumanizing others by minimizing the importance of their psychological needs. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Vandermeer J, Hosey C, Epley N, et al. (2019) Escalation of negative social exchange: Reflexive punishment or deliberative deterrence? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 84: 103823
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