Graham Kerley

"Graham Kerley"
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Allen BL, Bobier C, Dawson S, et al. (2023) Why humans kill animals and why we cannot avoid it. The Science of the Total Environment. 165283
Annear E, Minnie L, Andrew K, et al. (2023) Can smaller predators expand their prey base through killing juveniles? The influence of prey demography and season on prey selection for cheetahs and lions. Oecologia
Britnell JA, Zhu Y, Kerley GIH, et al. (2023) Ecological marginalization is widespread and increases extinction risk in mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120: e2205315120
Pansu J, Hutchinson MC, Anderson TM, et al. (2022) The generality of cryptic dietary niche differences in diverse large-herbivore assemblages. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2204400119
Callen A, Hayward MW, Klop-Toker K, et al. (2020) Response to comments on “Compassionate Conservation deserves a morally serious rather than dismissive response - reply to ” Biological Conservation. 244: 108517
Monsarrat S, Novellie P, Rushworth I, et al. (2019) Shifted distribution baselines: neglecting long-term biodiversity records risks overlooking potentially suitable habitat for conservation management. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 374: 20190215
Hayward MW, Callen A, Allen BL, et al. (2019) Should the Compassionate Tail Wag the Conservation Dog? Conservation Biology : the Journal of the Society For Conservation Biology
Schmidt A, Kerley G, Watson L. (2019) Threshold changes in the structure and composition of bush clumps in piospheres in an arid thicket mosaic, South Africa Journal of Arid Environments. 169: 19-28
Allen BL, Allen LR, Ballard G, et al. (2019) Bringing objectivity to wildlife management: Welfare effects of guardian dogs Biological Conservation. 236: 582
le Roux E, Kerley GIH, Cromsigt JPGM. (2018) Megaherbivores Modify Trophic Cascades Triggered by Fear of Predation in an African Savanna Ecosystem. Current Biology : Cb
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