Jonathan Dobres

Boston University, Boston, MA, United States 
"Jonathan Dobres"
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Aaron R. Seitz grad student 2007- Boston University
Takeo Watanabe grad student 2013 Boston University
 (The effects of performance feedback and their implications for the time course and stabilization of perceptual learning.)
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Dobres J, Watanabe T. (2012) Response feedback triggers long-term consolidation of perceptual learning independently of performance gains. Journal of Vision. 12: 9
Dobres J, Liu C, Watanabe T. (2011) A new role for feedback: Facilitating stabilization of perceptual learning after training F1000research. 11: 996-996
Dobres J, Seitz AR. (2010) Perceptual learning of oriented gratings as revealed by classification images. Journal of Vision. 10: 8
Dobres J, Watanabe T. (2010) Feedback inhibits untrained motion directions in perceptual learning Journal of Vision. 10: 1125-1125
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